how bad are your tummy problems?

  1. Depends on how bad my anxiety is. I pop a couple chewy Tums until the battery acid in my stomach goes down.

  2. Depends on how much food is in it. I had a sleeve gastrectomy earlier this year, so my stomach is about 10% of normal size. I get real full real fucking quickly and that is uncomfortable AF.

  3. I definitely can’t stomach certain foods anymore. I also noticed when I step out of my eating habits that I get irregular. I’m watching my sodium intake too.

  4. Used to have pretty awful problems on the daily, and lots of sensitivities that just sort of ebbed off as I aged. So many foods that just didn’t sit well in my stomach that I had to avoid. Anxiety exacerbated things a lot and when I got other health problems under control my stomach calmed down significantly. There’s still a handful of foods that don’t sit well with me but more often than not I’d rather deal with a day of abdominal discomfort than say no to some of my favourite foods.

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