I was in a relationship for almost 2.5 yr and all was good between us then what happen was approx 6 month before this her parents found out about us nd they forced ki end this relationship but we continued it secretly talking meeting chatting now what happens thers one exam(jee advance) I have been preparing for 3 yrs so I told now exam h I need to prepare will talk less u can drop msg i will reply whenever I get time . ( I hope she would have understand since she knew me the best ) she said yes we msg almost everyday how was day and all . .. after exam what happens she is use to msg me once a day only and she is not replying me it ok for some day i adjust mm then I come to know she is talking to some other guy the whole day she is active on phone . Her best friend was also my friend she told me . I asked her and she told ki yaa i have been and everything and she told me that boy like her from some time , since I also knew that guy and I know I just told her to tell him u are committed atleast and rest is fine with me but she told me she can’t tell him as he is a family friend so her parents might know we are still together also she can’t ignore him as now he use to come to her home or nearby to meet her as he is family friend nobody says anything to him or her . They become good friends . Then one day i decided and told the guy that hey man thats man gf if are just friends np but if u have other intention not cool back off . Then she told me they both had a talk and she stopped talking to him . As he proposed her . But all I know that was a lie .. she never stopped talking to him . And she started like avoiding me. Talking less everything ..then after 1 month or so she said it’s not working bw us less take a break . And I knew it . I tried my best to convince her not to do it but .. next thing I knew she was in a relationship with him after few weeks and when i msg her he called me to say now back off bro . He even made her block me from insta and everything i knew bcoz he read all my chats and told me . I have moved on but till date it still hurts man . It’s been almost 5 yrs now I still even have some of her pic and chat backup on my g drive .. i even still remember her mobile number even tho I deleted it 5 years back . And now I have like very limited friend and yes still single . So that was part of my story

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