So I (21F) am currently in this relationship with a guy named Roger (22M). Roger and I met online and have been friends for a year or so, but have only been dating for almost two months. Him and I were planning a whole trip to New York with some friends of ours. About a week long trip or so. As of recently, he revealed to me more stuff about a part of his family that he extremely dislikes. Related to drug trafficking and such. His family taking that side of the family to court for drug trafficking, since his aunt hit his mother when his mother and older sister went down to Mexico to take care of his grandmother.

In the midst of all this, it was put onto me suddenly at work with not much time for me to prepare myself for it. So it was very overwhelming on my end and I felt emotionally detached from it. I personally didn’t want to get emotionally involved in it since I don’t want to get triggered. For note, I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD. So an unstable family environment is not something I want to get into in the future. It just seems dangerous for me. I did state to him that it seemed dangerous. But then he was confused and texted, “How the fuck they gonna know i was texting you?” So I was taken aback. I should’ve responded about the whole cursing at me kind of thing, but brushed it off. Despite it still bothering me. Like I get that at the moment where he was more so angry and stressed at the same time.

Now I’ve just kinda noticed that him and I distanced ourselves. Not really messaging as often as we did. I’ve talked about this whole situation with my therapist. At this moment, I’m more so mentally breaking up with him. Though, I feel like I think of him more so as a friend, not a boyfriend.

The New York trip is kind of something that I’ve been looking forward to since I can hang out with the friends I’ve made online. Though, just worried about some things financially on his end since he had left his TSA job due to the toxic environment and injury at the workplace. So I know he’s been trying to a job for the last month or so. At the moment, he told me that he has like less than $100 in his bank account for the trip. I found this very concerning on how it would work out financially on his end. Since I had things planned out ahead of time. Anyways, I know that him, his friend, and I booked an Airbnb together. Airbnb being 3 bedroom and 2 bathrooms. Then his friend is leaving the Monday before Roger and I leave two days later. So I’m not too sure on what I should do.

My therapist asked me if it was too late to break up the relationship before the trip. So I replied saying that it was maybe too late? Though like I personally don’t want to lead him on in a way. Like I’m okay with staying friends with him. It’s just I’m not sure if it would be awkward on the trip. Since we have two days to ourselves without his friend. Plus, at the moment, I’m not too sure if I want to put more stress on him for the break up. If I do happen to do it before the trip. I’ve told my therapist about if I can try to see if it works out in person. If it doesn’t work out in person, then that’s okay. Just stay as friends.

Though when I leave for the trip, I go up to where he lives first and spend the night there. Then, him and I fly together to New York and fly back to where he lives. So if him and I do eventually break up before the trip, I can just book a hotel room for the night and just go to New York the next day. Just not too sure on what to do. Open to any suggestions on what I should do about this situation.

TL;DR: Considering on breaking up with bf before or after the trip. Realized that I didn’t really see a future as much with him and would rather just stay as friends. Though not too sure how it will go on the trip if I break up with him before the trip.

  1. Is there any way you can pivot to having your trip not involve him in any way? I am inclined to break up with him as soon as possible, and not do this trip with him at all.

  2. break up with him right now u dont desrv someone who would trade u for a bag of marijuana

  3. If your going to AnimeNYC (assuming here), I would pivot to filling a hotel spot with randos and cancel the airbnb.

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