I am a 25 year old male…

I am a bit shy. Something i never really understood in full extent is why this happens: i am in a small group with some people I know and other group approaches. Imagine there is a girl in the group. She rarely will aknowledge i am there and will act like i am invisible, as she will not even look. I do understand that people tend to interact more with others who seem more outgoing. But why would they actively ignore someone to that extent? Of course there are exceptions.

Talking about approaching girls…i wouldn’t say that being shy has impacted me until now since I never realy cared enought. I mean once i was attracted to a girl i interacted often but never really did anything because i always felt that something was missing when I was close to her. Another time I was a bit vulnerable and got a emotionally invested in someone. But I always kept it under control and even denied to her that i had feelings. It may seem something stupid and a bit cold what I did, but I knew by then I was doing the righ thing and time has proven me right. That woman was and still is a mess.

If in other situations I had the opportunity to talk with them and choose to do nothing, this time is not the case. I met someone a month ago who I developed feelings for. It’s hard for me to explain it…The day i met her (in a non romantic context) I did spend some time time talking with her but didn’t talk about something very personal. I really wanted to start communicating more with her, before doing something stupid like telling my feelings out of the blue. But time is a bit of a problem, even tough i see her every week. So i need to be super effective and being shy doesn’t help at all. I have the courage to do it…but I do not want to shoot myself in the foot. If I fail, I hope it’s because she isn’t interested, not because I was an idiot.

Any tips?

Edit: Giving her my number wouldn’t work, since we already have each others number.

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