The first time we were supposed to meet up, I had taken the afternoon off from work she stood me up. She did not say anything and went MIA. The next day she texted me saying that she apologized. She said she overslept because she had worked a night shift. She works at a hospital, and I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Soon after, we ended up on a dinner date together and had a good time. Since then, she constantly sets up dates with me and flakes out. She will ask me to call her on specific days and times, and then she never answers or returns phone calls. The last time she set up a time for us to meet, she stood me up again. I sent her a text asking if she was still coming, and she never responded. I ended up sending her a message that I had seen potential with her but that I value my energy and time. I told her she was not respectful of my energy and time and that I had given up on her. I ended up blocking her on social media. The next day I get two long rambling text messages from her. She was clearly upset and took her shots at me, calling me “ a joke” etc. I answered back that I could understand that she was upset. I restated what I had messaged her before, calling out her disrespectful behavior. She gave me a thumbs up on the text message.

Did I go about this the right way?

What do you think about the situation?

Should I give her another chance?

  1. Nah man you handled this right. Surprised you stuck with it as long as you did. Being stood up the first time would’ve been enough for me to never see her again. She showed you just how she would be if you got serious.

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