Been with my boyfriend for about 6 years. I’m 27 female. He’s 28 male.

I hate my body most of the time. I adore my partner and find him very sexy, but I often get too intimidated to have sex. I rarely initiate because of this.

I truly don’t think he enjoys how I look naked. It could be in my head, but he doesn’t really comment on his desire for me.

I make it a point to express how handsome I think he is and how sexy he is. He really is so attractive to me. He does not do the same for me, but at the same time it makes me feel very petty and insecure to expect him to.

Sometimes, we will be watching a movie/tv show, an attractive women will show up with a great body/ass, and he’ll make a comment like “woah girl, look at her.” I want him to want me this way.

How do I get over this? I just want to fuck him. I know how sexy confidence is, but I just can’t get there.

How do I communicate this in a way that doesn’t make this worse?

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