would you say that you two “keep in touch often” or “I don’t really talk to him”?
How often do you guys communicate with each other as adults?

  1. The only time I’ve talked to my brothers is when my mom hosts a group video call for everybody a couple times a year.

  2. We mostly only talk when we’re both visiting our parents at the same time (usually for holidays). We don’t talk on the phone. On a very few occasions we have exchanged texts and emails.

  3. My twin brother lives two time zones away. We text each other most days.

    My little brother lives across town. We talk once a month if we’re lucky.

  4. 2 brothers. One in another country, one two hours away.

    Talk to them in the sibling group chat. It’s active at least once a week

  5. Currently my brother lives 4 hours away due to college. He comes down occasionally for things like thanksgiving and Christmas but other then that I don’t see him much, although I don’t see him much I still call him around every 2-3 days to check up on him and just have a conversation

  6. My brother always has been an abusive, bullying toxic asshole, he moved out with his girlfriend when I started college and my life has been less stressful since that, he even starts fights again with me when he visits my mom and I, I avoid him like the plague.

  7. My brother and I are 18 months apart so naturally we grew up super close well into our early 20’s, until he got married and I moved 2 hours away. We rarely see each other at family dinners and only talk maybe twice a year, it’s usually a quick text like “thinking of you, hope you’re doing okay.” It’s really sad actually because I miss my brother but always knew when we got older our relationship would dwindle.

  8. We don’t talk on the phone but we usually message each other like once a week. Not intentional texts, more like random thought texts.

  9. My brother lives on the other side of town. We see each other on holidays at my moms and he texts me occasionally I don’t really respond. We text on birthdays. He’s rude and mean and has no respect for people who have opinions other than his own.

  10. I just recently changed my number and did not notify him. Our last exchange was him asking me something he should have just asked my mom, and it was the last straw. For years I felt like I was just a charity case or a way to get to my mom without going to her directly. I flat out told him, in person, in text and on the phone I wanted to work on having a relationship and he’d only reach out if he needed something.

  11. Randomly through the family group chat when he decides to reply to something (rare). We are not really close, never were, but we share similar opinions and world views. I would help him if he were in a jam but I’m not sure if he would help me.

  12. Facebook messenger or through comments every once in a while. I last saw him 17 years ago when my son was born. My late SIL was planning a visit before she suddenly passed away. I spoke to her way more than him. We have a lot of shared trauma, so it can get intense when we do talk.

  13. I’m in the US and my brother is in Wales. We chat at least every other week, sometimes more often when he has computer problems.

  14. Once in 10 days or so… I hardly ever call or text, idk why, I think he feels responsible and tries to stay in touch. Even when I want to call, I don’t.

  15. My younger brother lives all the way on the other side of the ocean. I just text him and send him funny things. Just to keep in touch and touch bases with him since he is alone out there. He loves it out there but he gets lonely sometimes. So every week, I make reminders to text him or send him funny memes.

  16. My brother and I talk on the phone/video chat about every 2 weeks or so. We’re both very busy with our lives and careers, but we try to make time to catch up pretty regularly.

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