What do you hate to be asked?

  1. “What do you think?”

    You already told me what you want to do. Just fucking do it.

  2. “So what do you do?”

    When I’m meeting someone for the 1st time. The way I spend my time earning income wont tell you anything about who I am as a person. Its not a getting to know you question, most people use it to gauge others income….and that’s nobody’s business during a 1st meeting

    Edit: A typo

  3. “What are you thinking about?” is the #1 most annoying question in my marriage.

  4. When ppl ask me if i’ll be travelling for my holiday, and say “no”, they always ask “why not?”

    Well, because i fucking hate travelling, it’s expensive, stressful, exhausting, and you always end up somewhere that’s too hot and full of street peddlers.

    But for some reason, ppl just won’t take no for an answer. They always get pushy and try to nag me into travelling, until i straight up tell them to mind their own business.

  5. “Hey, how are you?”

    *Dude, I had to coach myself into putting pants on today and ignored some not-so-intrusive thoughts about jerking the wheel into oncoming traffic on the way into work, how the fuck do you think I feel?*

    How I have to respond: “Doing well, how about you?”

  6. The same thing… over and over and over again. I give my answer the first time and then I refuse to change the answer out of spite if someone keeps asking.

  7. “Can I help you find anything” when I’m at a store. Leave me alone. I will ask if I need help

  8. Being asked to describe myself (especially at a job interview).

    Christ, man, you tell me. I have no idea where to even begin with that question.

  9. What kind of music I listen to. My tastes are weird and I don’t like explaining them.

  10. Why don’t you have kids?

    Well Brenda, because it’s the most effective way to break the cycle of multi-generational trauma. Anything else I can tell you about my life?

  11. I think I’ve gotten over this now (in my 40s) but I grew up with a very controlling parental situation so when I moved out I HATED when someone would ask me “where are you going?” when I was on my way out. Didn’t matter who asked…Girlfriend, friend, teacher, whatever. Immediate negative internal response from me which then resulted in a glib comment which almost never helped anyone.

  12. You’re really not gonna do/say that are you? Dont you care what others might say/think of you?

    The answer to both of those questions is always, yes i am and no i do not. And i hate those two questions with a passion

  13. How are you doing

    I have depression, but no one knows since it’s too much to go into detail about how and why and if my day isn’t so great I won’t bother telling about it so I just lie and say “ok” or “usual” just to keep up the status quo so I don’t inconvenience anyone with me being down

  14. #”Why do you always look mad?”

    I have resting bastard face alright…I’m only pissed after Im constantly asked “why I look pissed”

  15. 1. My height
    2. My income (my wealth is my business)
    3. Why I’m single or don’t have a girlfriend

  16. Do you want to go out tomorrow? I like planning everything in advance. I don’t like emergencies and last minute decisions.

  17. “what illness do you have?”. I rarely disclose my illness, it makes me feel uncomfortable doing so.

  18. I’m a combat veteran. “How many people have you killed?”

    People don’t typically take pride in that shit like Cotton Hill.

  19. Do you play football?

    I’m built like a brick wall, and once a month I get asked if I played football. I always tell them “no, I was into way more extreme sports.” When they ask what I respond with “**COMPETITIVE CROCHETING**”

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