I pray to god that this question is American enough for all of us to answer thoroughly, and only us. I mean come on, you think the French know anything about American literature?

  1. Tom Sawyer. Huck Finn is a mess from what I can remember. Though I have not read either in decades.

  2. My impression was that Huckleberry Finn is more “literary” but it’s been awhile since I read either, so I should give them another go. So many books so little time though…

  3. I like Huckleberry Finn as a book to analyze and talk to people about, but Tom Sawyer is more fun to read imo

  4. Tom Cruise invented the concept of Whiteboy Summer, so I’ll have to go with that one.

    He also:

    -Absolutely finessed that dude into whitewashing that fence (the art of the deal)

    -faked his own death for the clout (based and sawyer-pilled)

    -doesn’t know shit about scripture (Judge Thatcher officially on suicide watch)

    -Engaged to two women at once, marries neither. Once confronted on this, fucks off with Huck to go fishing. (CITY BOY)

  5. Huckleberry Finn for me, a far more interesting and relatable main character (for me, anyway), that absolutely outstanding first person narration, the wonderful descriptions of the Mississippi River, so much good about it.

  6. Unpopular opinion – not a fan of either. Just didn’t enjoy them. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  7. I think the common opinion is Tom Sawyer is more of the “classic.”

    I stray from that opinion. Huck Finn is far more intense and interesting. It is Twain’s best work in my opinion.

    Reading it as a kid and as an adult was a far different experience. Tom Sawyer is a book for young people. Huck Finn is for adults.

  8. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the greatest work in American literature. (The only other contender is To Kill a Mockingbird.) Huck ranks up there with Odysseus as the classic archetypal hero. It’s the American hero’s journey.

  9. I’ve never actually read anything by Mark Twain. I don’t know how I got through American grade school without such, but somehow I can make that claim.

  10. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer made me want to die in seventh grade. My least favorite books on this planet have to be The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Great Expectations. I would literally rather die than read either again. I haven’t read the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn so I guess that is the “superior” one, although I can’t imagine I’d hate it any less.

  11. Huck Finn is a better work of literature and there’s a lot more to analyze.

    But honestly, you can’t read and appreciate it fully until you’ve read Tom Sawyer. They’re both such lovely, rich novels.

  12. I just want to throw A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court into the mix. It’s my favorite!

    But I’d go with Huck out of the two proposed.

  13. I personally enjoyed Tom Sawyer more because I connected with him better as a kid. Huck Finn is actually about something though, so I guess that’s one’s probably “technically” the better one idk

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