I’m 21 and living in Canada for context. I probably go on dates with a different person a month? Each time it only lasts about 2 weeks at most before ending, not sure if I’m just unlucky or if I’m the problem. Just stopped talking & going out with someone after 2 weeks when they decided to tell me they werent even looking for a relationship; maybe I’m not being forward enough with what I’m looking for? I kind of assumed asking someone out on a date meant you were looking to pursue a relationship with them but that doesnt seem to be the case? I posted this in a few other subreddits but decided to post here aswell incase theres any extra advice I could use.

1 comment
  1. The best suggestion I could give you is to try looking for people who are different that what your use to and then the next thing I could suggest is to talk to a relationship expert to find out why your only finding or attracting people who don’t want a serious relationship or people who you feel lead you on. I hope this helps you out and good luck.

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