We were on a call Saturday planning a night out this weekend.

In a middle of the conversation she told me she had a clean bill of health.

She’s always hugging me and touchy with me a lot the past times we were at the same events.

Why would she tell me she has a clean bill of health from a doctor?

I have aspergers and am horrible with subtle cues, and she knows this.

  1. Be blunt. Come out and ask her if she’s interested because if so, you’re interested too. Tell her you’re a guy who is sometimes too dense to catch the signs. Believe me, a lot of guys are like this and it has nothing to do with your Asperger’s diagnosis. Also a lot of women throw out signs that mean nothing. So the best advice is to be blunt and come out and ask. Only then will you really know.

    Many years ago a woman I really liked invited me on a week long trip to a resort, just me and her. We were friends then but nothing else. We spent the first few days at the beach, dinner and clubbing and sleeping in the same bed. On the third night we took a romantic stroll on the beach at sunset. She held my hand and caressed my hair telling me how perfect everything was except she wanted one more thing from me…so I kissed her. She pulled away in disgust. She said she didn’t like me that way and I was wrongly in picking up signals that weren’t there. The rest of the week was awkward. She slept on the couch and then the friendship faded in the coming months. All because I picked up the wrong signals or she sent the wrong signals, doesn’t matter. I should have asked but I was sure the signals were there. The only way to know is to ask. Talking and communication is key!!!

  2. Main thing is, what do you want? How could you express that to her, nicely without coming on too strong?

    She might be up for it even if she wasn’t sending you any cues at all, or thinking of you that way previously. Or she might not be into it even though she was deliberately signaling interest, because she changed her mind. And any possibility in between.

    I think asking boils down to just saying what you mean… and trying to be charming rather than nervous… but don’t worry if the last bit doesn’t work out, just try 🙂

  3. Yeah, she probably wants to fuck you. No, it’s not 100% guaranteed, but it’s very likely. Just clean your room, go on the date, bring a condom, act charming, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and see what happens. We will be cheering for you.

  4. As a female, yes, she is trying to hook up. No other female would even mention clean bill of health out of nowhere like that.

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