What should every male know how to do?

  1. All the so called “woman’s work.” Pitch in and help out, be ready to step up, relationships die all the time.

    But also: how to change a tire, build a fire, treat a wound, sharpen a knife, basic maintenance on a car, basic carpentry skills and parenting skills.

  2. Not respond to certain tests. People test you daily. Some significant, some minor. Learn to listen more and speak less.

  3. Be comfortable in his own skin no matter where he is in life. You might not be the richest, most attractive or most intelligent, but having the ability to say ‘fuck all that outside noise’ and roll with the cards you’re dealt makes you an intimidating force of power and amazing guy to be around. If life can’t fuck with you then who will?

    Edit: I wasn’t expecting this to blow up. Thank you for the awards fellas.

    Edit: guys please don’t send me dick pics in my PMs.

  4. Hire an attorney to draft a legally binding pre-nuptial agreement to be signed by a potential spouse.

  5. 1: How to take care of your household (cook/clean/basic repairs). 2: Learn how to defend yourself in a physical altercation, but hope you never have to do so. 3: Exercise on a regular basis, even on the days where you don’t want to.

  6. Walk away from a street fight. It’s never worth getting your ass kicked, kicking someone else’s ass or ending up in a way worse place than a simple ass kicking.

  7. Relax. Men need to know how to chill out and take care of themselves in the right way. All of us relax, but we need to find the perfect way for us to unwind and release the stresses of the day without damaging our mental health, relationships, or physical health.

  8. In modern times not a lot. Just need to know how to cook, clean, laundry, sewing, looking after the kids, tutoring, working your ass off, fixing everything in the house or car, plumbing, carpentry, electrical work, psychiatry, fortune teller, magician.

    I may have missed a few.

  9. You can spend a fortune chasing women, or you can focus on making your fortune and they’ll chase you.

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