I (M25) dated this girl (F24) for just over a month. I really enjoyed where things were going, but she decided to cut it off, yet still wanted to remain friends. I took her up on it. We’ve texted once in awhile, and even hung out once. The vibe was definitely a “friends” vibe, not a “dating” one.

Anyway, (a few weeks later now) I ran into her at a club the other day, as we both share mutual friends, and everything was totally different. She was completely disassociated from everyone and avoided eye contact with me the entire time. We spoke for a couple minutes, and it was very weird. We said nothing worth mentioning, but she hurried to get away. She left without even saying bye to anyone.

Should I reach out and ask what she was feeling and why she was acting like that? We had some communication issues in the past, but I just wanna know what she wants. I’m a firm believer in the “communication is key” idea, but I’m not sure how this applies to exes. I’d like to remain friends with her, and now I’m not sure if we’ll be able to.

TLDR: What does an ex’s awkward behavior mean, and what should I do about it?

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