I’m 19 years old male and I have a very unapproachable face (I don’t mean ugly, I mean very stern) and for all my life I’ve been like this and want to change. And I know I need to smile, but I’m not confident smiling, I don’t know when to do it, in the sense of being more approachable. And when I try to, I over think it greatly. So any tips or advice. Thanks

  1. I’m currently working on this as well. Just know that as with any skill (yes, smiling is a skill) you will get better at it the more you do it.

  2. Let yourself loosen up a bit. When you’re laughing, you’re smiling – so aim for that. Smiling otherwise will happen naturally when you are proud or embarrased, but do not fake smiles. Ingenuine smiles mean little to both the (smiler and smilee?)

  3. A couple guys at work always joke with me about this saying I look like I’m gonna kick someones ass lol. I just laugh about it with them. I’m like yeah, I was concentrating too hard my bad. And had an old boss say I looked like I was on a mission – I still joke with that too. Im a woman with evidently a bitchy face sometimes, but for some reason, people still fkn approach me all the time so idk?
    Just laugh about it when you realizing you’re making your unapproachable face and you’ll get more used to smiling maybe?

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