Men that are doing well on Dating apps, what are some tips/secrets?

  1. Have a good life, then have a good profile. Totally separate things. You can’t have the second without the first, and you can’t be successful without having both.

  2. I was online prior to dating apps, but I would say that there are two things that you need to do.

    1. Saturate the market.

    2. Don’t care about them and defend yourself.

    I found my wife by sending her a message. She responded negatively to receiving that message and I replied with a smart ass reply. That smart ass reply was what got my foot in the door.

  3. I was asked to be on a commercial for RSVP for having one of the most popular male profiles a few years ago.. (I turned the offer down)
    I didn’t put in much effort. I had good pictures of me with friends, sporting stuff (boxing and skydiving) and a couple of ‘normal’ ones of my face. In my profile I wrote that I was recently separated and just trying new ways to meet people. I’m not a super attractive guy but I’m ok looking I guess. I’m pretty active so have a good rig. I spoke to women on the site with respect, just like I would if we were face to face.
    Chicks always said guys profiles were generally shit and all very similar. Pics with fish or cars and stuff like that were a massive turn off for them. Writing properly goes a long way too. Put the effort in and spell check if you need to. Don’t be a sleaze and don’t send dick pics or topless selfies in your bathroom. Just try and be ‘normal’ and a bit of a sense of humour goes a long way.

  4. Be direct, be funny (cocky kinda humor or sarcasm), be as efficient as possible.

    Learn how to send as few messages as you can to get her to agree to go on a date. In some cases that will be 5 text exchanges, in some cases only 2 or 3.

    Don’t use “lol” at the end of a sentence. When asking questions, don’t put a “?” unless it’s absolutely necessary for understanding.

    Don’t try to impress/sell yourself, unless it’s packaged in a funny joke. Don’t seem overly excited. Don’t use overly expressive emojis.

    Be authentic. Ask only if something truly interests you. Compliment only if something is truly remarkable and unique. Generally avoid complimenting appearance.

  5. On apps you got about 1 second to make a good impression. Make sure that the first picture and first sentence of your presentation appeals to the sort of woman you want to attract.

  6. look at their profile and react to something. make it as personal as possible with the info you have.

  7. I used to be ugly but I’m not anymore.
    Ignore all the advice you read on Reddit. None of it matters, no amount of humor, well written profile description, professional photographs, etc matter. The only thing that matters is your looks.

    Once you look good it doesn’t matter what you do.

    For example you can be a jerk and women will still respond to you, but if you were a jerk as an ugly man they would simply ignore you. So even if you do everything wrong you will find that women will still engage with you, which is extremely revealing.

    Other than passing a looks threshold, it’s just a numbers game.

  8. In my experience the #1 most important thing is your headspace at the time.

    Women do sense a guy who is feeling generally calm, confident and fulfilled and I am always more successful when in this state. But it’s a cruel irony of life that if you haven’t been having a lot of success lately that you won’t be projecting that. So sometimes you just have to work hard to be in a good frame of mind and then eventually you get lucky and it more than pays off. Stay strong and stay positive.

    There’s a hundred little things too. One is, when opening a chat, flattery does work. No approach I’ve tried gets more initial responses than a genuine compliment.

    Getting to the point quickly is also a plus. Not without any small talk or tact, but quickly. I mean you do want a real life relationship don’t you, not an online one? So ask her on a date if that’s what you want and polite directness is often appreciated.

    Also, if the chat is not reciprocated, move on. Success usually happens naturally and easily or not at all in my experience.

    As a purely karmic matter I do like to respond to any non-low-effort messages I receive, even if not interested. No-one likes making an effort to reach out to someone only to be ignored, so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to do it to others.

    The rest I shall keep to myself 😄

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