I am a 21M who has not had many girlfriends. I’ve only really had one long term relationship that lasted for 3 years and ended back in 2019. So when it comes down to experience in the dating world, I don’t have much. I have been on some dates since then but they haven’t really led to anything. But, I’m curious to see what you guys think.

This whole thing started back in 2020, when she(20F) started working as a receptionist at my work. Her Mom actually works here to as the manager of the upstairs office. When I first saw her, she was exactly my type. But, I didn’t know how to approach her. I also just got out of a 3 year relationship, I was still recovering from that. Fast forward to early 2021, during Christmas break from college, she added me on Instagram then added me on snap from having it in my bio. She started sending me selfies on snap and I reciprocated. I tried starting some conversation on there about work and it really didn’t go anywhere. When she went back to school, we eventually stopped snapping.

Fast forward to Summer of 2021, we both came home from school and started working again. One of my other coworkers that I close with mentioned to her that she stopped snapping me. She knew this because I told her and she told her. We started snapping again and eventually stopped…. Once again. Now, we didn’t snap for about a year till 4th of July, 2022. She sent me a snap that night and she appears to be drinking at a pray. Again, we didn’t say anything to each other and I stopped snapping her. I deeply regretted it and the reason I stopped is because the girl I had been on a few dates with got jealous over it. That was the last I have heard from her until recently. I also heard from people from work that she told them I don’t say hi to her anymore.

On a Saturday night, about 2 weeks ago, she apparently sent me a message on snap. I passed out early so I didn’t see it. I also have my snap notifications off, which lead me to not seeing it. Now, she deleted the snap before I was able to see it. I want to also include that she’s usually one of the first to view my snap story’s.

I am very interested in this girl but, I don’t know how to go about it. She’s in school 3 hours away and don’t want to just send her a message out of no where? Any advice would be great!!

TL:DR where do I go from here??

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