First of all sorry for the bad english. I am 28m and moved to the US for work this summer. One thing I have noticed is that many people find age gaps in dating « weird » or « creepy », which is something I am not used to. For example I told my coworker that my first relationship I was 18 and my gf was 25 and he said that’s considered unacceptable here !! But it’s considered ok where I am from.

I can see why people frown on age gaps in dating, since you are in different places in life and the younger person may not be ready for marriage or children. But are do age differences matter as much for hook ups or casual sex ?

I am asking because sometimes when I am out drinking with my friends I meet cute girls who are 21 or 22. Would it be considered « creepy » for me to hook up with someone that age ? To be clear, it is not that I am only looking to hook up with girls that age, but I meet a lot of these girls because I live near a big university. Also I realize that with an age gap there is the danger of someone being led on, but I’m very up front about the fact that I don’t want a girlfriend because I am planning to move back home soon.

  1. Once both parties are actual adults, and it’s only a couple years, it’s fine.

    18 and 25? I mean if it was culturally acceptable there, that’s cool. Here in ‘Murica, with those ages, there’s a high chance the teen is getting groomed.

  2. Have you put some decent thought into why you’re seeking out this kind of interaction? Because it’s kind of gross.

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