I 23 (M) and her 24 (F) dated for two years, it was an amazing relationship, we got along amazingly, never fought, saw each other all the time, had a great sex life, planned a future together. That is until I had to move to hawaii, she lives on the east coast. Long distance worked fine until my dumbass got drunk and cheated on her. Long story short she broke up with me about a month ago. Since then we both have seen other people, gone on dates had sex etc. but she wants to fly out here and see me at the end of the month. I want her back so bad, I know I fucked it up and don’t deserve her back but I’m not sure what her intentions are. I know she’s still talking to and sleeping with someone else, I’ve stopped going on dates to wait to see if we get back together but idk if she wants to use me for sex and a vacation or if part of her wants to get back together. I think about her all the time it torchers me thinking about how I ruined something so perfect, I wanted to cut her off so I could move on but she still wants to see me so we talk everyday still. It feels like we are drawn together.

tl;dr should I wait to see what happens? Or is this futile and are we just dragging out the pain?

1 comment
  1. No relationship can ever be the same after cheating, ever. You opened Pandora’s box when you got drunk, no matter what you both may think you want (and no doubt, you may still truly feel for each other), things can never go back to normal and it will only ever be prolonged heartbreak. An irreparable barrier of trust was broken, you gotta live with that.

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