I saw these kind of tweets-photos that screams TEXT NOW on twitter. Is it something like newsletter subscription? Donation?

  1. The latter I’d imagine. Those texts are intended for their supporters.

    But you’ll definitely get added to a list where you’ll start getting texts telling you how their opponent is literally Satan and that ***your*** financial support specifically is the only thing standing between the free world and the rise of the Fourth Reich.

  2. It will probably sign you up for text alerts. You’ll be alerted about nearby events, fundraising drives, etc…

  3. It is like a newsletter subscription, except the newsletter comes directly to your phone 10 times a day and mostly asks you to donate money at [link]

  4. They start texting you asking for donations. It depends on their fundraising goals and quotas how much you get and how much youve given in the past sometimes “Pelosi” texts me and asks too lol.

    I have some examples:

    “Hey Steven, it’s Nicole w/ Justice Dems! We’re hosting a virtual event on Jan 31st @ 8pm ET w/ our progressive allies to support our Texas primary slate. Electing Jessica Cisneros & Greg Casar is an opportunity to grow the squad & build momentum in 2022. Can you join? jdemsus/txslate”

    “It’s Speaker Pelosi. This is urgent, so I’ll be quick: The Washington Post just reported our House Majority could be doomed for a DECADE if we allow Trump’s Republicans to retake power. I’m calling for 9,000 DCCC gifts today to prove our House Majority is here to stay! CHIP IN >>http://demsme/3AYp282
    Reply Stop to End“

  5. You sign up to get texts and other communications from the campaign, and a volunteer will likely contact you at some point asking you to donate money and/or to volunteer to help the campaign.

  6. One time I sent Bernie Sanders a meme of Bill Nye saying “WHOMSTVE EAT ASS” and Bernie himself replied and called me Based and offered to make me Secretary of State if he won

  7. They put your phone number in a database and send you all kinds of political shit and call you.

    For years my number was registered with various political campaigns because Crystal who had my number before I did signed up for something.

  8. Your number will be shared with the national party and they will call you till the day you die.

    They’ll almost certainly continue to call you after your death too but by that time the number will belong to someone else so it won’t be your problem anymore.

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