My girlfriend (18F) and I are in the relationship about 2 years. We are long distance relationship so we meet only once per month. Recently she meets another guy who is in her school and treats her really well, so she kinda fell in love with him and feel happy with him. So she said that that guy and I should have a race to get her and she will decide to choose someone who makes her happy and safe

TLDR: my girlfriend wants me to race with another guy to let her decide to choose me or him to become her boyfriend or something

  1. I would tell her to politely fuck off and your happiness isnt a competition for her childish amusement. And then find a better girlfriend. One that won’t play shit games with your heart.

  2. Don’t play stupid games. Call it off. You are incredibly young, you can meet so many new people in life. Why would you waste your youth on someone who does not value or appreciate you?

  3. Fuck that. Spend the same amount of energy finding a new girlfriend to date. Image ‘winning’ and then having another race in 6 months, 1 year, etc… Not worth the effort or the drama.

  4. Mate, if she’s making you play stupid games, then just bail.

    I’d usually advocate for you to communicate with your partner about issues before breaking up, but this is beyond stupid and I don’t see how things could be fixed from here.

    2 years together and she’s taking you for a mug. Run.

  5. She had one guy interested, you, she felt good, she got another guy to be interested in her, so that makes TWO guys in total being interested and pursuing her, freaking TWO, and she already let her ego skyrocket as if she was a movie star followed by millions and crowds waiting outside her hotel chanting her name. Give her a reality check and leave. There are milions of other women equally attractive if not more, and most of them don’t have their head up their ass 🙂

    “Have a race to get me, I’m the prize” I would seriously spit my drink if I heard someone say this to me.

  6. This sounds like a terrible movie plot. I would just leave it and find someone closer to you.

  7. Like a foot race? A political race? Your girlfriend is a nut either way, let the other guy deal with her.

  8. If someone wants you to compete with other people for them, they are showing you that they are not the prize they think they are. She already disrespected you by basically admitting to cheating and now wants you to race another guy for her? What 1950s James Dean movie crap is this?

    Quality people don’t except their partners to give up their dignity and self respect just to be with them.

    She is not a quality person.

  9. …do you hate yourself or? You wrote all that nonsense and you don’t know to dump this girl?

  10. Up and leave her. Or actually, tell her you’ve got a gorgeous girl over here she should race first, to see if it’s worth your while to even bother racing the new guy.

  11. I told a girlfriend years ago, I will fight to protect you, but I will never fight to keep you. If you want to leave just say so.

  12. Like a running race? That’s real immature.

    You’re 18. Tell the other guy he can have her and tell him to start training for when she falls for another guy and wants you to race him.

  13. Sounds like main character syndrome with a hint of narcissism. Run away from this girl 🙅🏽‍♀️You deserve so much more.

  14. Just dump her. What drugs is she on?

    Dump her, her having met this new guy means she’s cheating on you. Now she wants you to compete to keep going out with a cheat. Really?

    You are worth more. Dump her.

  15. Yeah… If I was you I’d have a race to my door and slam the fucker behind me. Your true soul mate wouldn’t play silly games so let your ex Fuck Around And Find Out

  16. She watched too much Tokyo Drift. Since she likes playing games, ghost her. She’s not even worth giving a response to.

  17. So she emotionally cheated on you with this guy and now wants you to compete for her? This girl isn’t mature enough for a relationship. Time to break up.

  18. Never play “pick me” with your SO. Your relation was over, the moment you became an option.

  19. Tell her you already chose and he can have her. He’s not long distance so he’s better for her anyway. Just because you met when you were 16 does not mean you should stay together. And any girl who plays games or tests you is the loser so be warned in the future.

  20. You can win this race like a f’n superstar !!

    Break up with Her and date the other guy !!!

    Seriously bruh , break up with Her!

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