Women, how many times have you been in love?

  1. I thought I was many times in the moment but looking back now, it’s really just the once.

    I appreciate all the kind words. I am lucky.

  2. I thought I was once before but now know that was obsession.

    I am truly in love now and have been for 9 years – so to answer your question, once !

  3. Like romantically in love just once

    The strong non sexual “I’d give my live life for you” kind of in love feeling, 4 times.

  4. Like 3 times. I don’t care for two of them anymore but I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t in love with those two.

  5. Now that I am truly in love, I realise that previously I was either in trauma bonds, or co-dependent/avoidant push and pull situations. So, once.

  6. Twice.

    1/10. Both times.

    Dont recommend. This advice is for m/f relationships only.

  7. This is my second. Was with ex for 8 years. And my bf now for 9 months and I’m head over heals in love with him. I expecting a baby soon as well ❤️

  8. So infatuated that it hurt, 2,3 times. Actually in love that turned into love for the ages? Once.

  9. Twice but the second was much deeper – the love I thought I felt for the first was probably all I had capacity for at the time but looking back it wasn’t as deep as I can love now … if that makes sense lol.

  10. Four times. Each ended for their own reasons & I have grown from them in different ways.

  11. Never. I’ve cried during breakups and moped for weeks but it’s not actually over them. It’s always guilt. Guilt that I can’t attach in that way. Same with being emotionally needy it’s just not something that comes naturally to me. I still find break ups extremely difficult but not for the reasons they think.

  12. Twice. First time I was 19, second time at 33. My 30’s love feels much more healthy, to say the least.

  13. Twice for me. My current partner that I’ve been with for 8 years and my high school boyfriend I was with for 3 years. I’ve had partners in between and before my HS BF. The love I have for my current partner is different from the love I had for my HS BF, but I did love him. He still owns and will always own a little piece of my heart.

  14. Been in love three times lol. It’s been rough but some moments make the heartache worth it.

  15. Three.

    All very different, but all love.
    If I think about one of them enough, it’ll actually still make me cry almost 12 years later.

  16. Just once. I thought I was twice before but looking back now that I actually am, it’s clear that it was just dependency and infatuation. I always used to question how I knew I was in love with the other two. But with this one, I don’t have to ask. I just am.

  17. Zero. I’ve been infatuated, yes, but never in love. Maybe someday, I’ll meet someone I’ll fall in love with.

  18. Twice. Knew the first one & I needed to stay friends (and we are), but I’ve been with the other for 26 years now.

  19. Four.

    My first love died in a car accident and I thought I would never love again. I didn’t want to, not if it meant experiencing that depth of grief.

    With time, I learned that I can’t withhold myself from the part of life that makes it worth living. So I didn’t. I have no regrets.

  20. Twice. Once with my ex, and I know because I can still close my eyes and picture him so easily. I almost find myself calling out for him sometimes.

    And then I’m in love now 😀 I can’t wait to see him in the mornings and his touch calms me when nothing else will. He takes such good care of me and our children even when he’s exhausted. I’m so sad when I don’t get to see him or talk to him throughout the day.
    Him and my father are literally the only two people in the world that can get me to laugh till I’m in pain, tears are streaming down my face and I’m snorting.

  21. Once. So far in all my 32 years lol. He also just broke up with me going on 3 weeks now out of the blue. And I know he loved me too, he was the first to say it and he told me when he broke up with me it felt like a piece of himself had been ripped out 😞
    Slowly healing, a bit better evey day. But sometimes a wave of emotions hit me. Heartbreak sucks so much.

  22. Once. Now that I’m truly in love with someone, I realized my past “loves” were either just because of loneliness or manipulation. Besides, real love will never fail, so it is safe to say that I’ve only been in love once.

  23. Once. He’s happily married with a baby now and I have a boyfriend as well. I wish him all the best!

  24. I’ve been in love many times in my life and am still in love. Every person I have ever encountered romantically held something that I recognized within myself. I don’t see love as a limited supply.

  25. With myself, always and forever. Ditto my kids.

    With romantic partners, thrice — and one half-infatuation, half-love. Of the three loves, one died while we were still together (1 year) and the other two were 7-8 years each.

  26. How do you define “in love”?
    I’ve been in love with many people that I’m not romantic with.
    I’m in love with my child, my dog, my best friend, my boyfriend (obviously).
    I’m in love with being alive and feeling and experiencing.
    I’m in love with the moments I see between people that aren’t talked about.
    I’m in love with the birds and I’m in love with the quiet mornings and coffee.
    I’m in love with a lot of things and ideas.
    I love to love and be in love. It’s probably one of my favorite things.

    It’s really funny considering I’m not very nice, but I am kind.

  27. Never, but sometimes I feel in love almost as though I’m brimming with it waiting to pour it on someone but there’s no one

  28. Healthy love? Just once so far, but there’s a lot of life left for me. I think.

  29. Once. I loved her with everything I had. I changed myself for her, I was there for her when she needed me (and even when she didn’t), I did everything I could to make her happy and it still wasn’t enough. I’m worried I’ll never find love like that again.

  30. Four times. First two were women, next two were men. I’m very lucky to have my fiance, he’s my love that reciprocated and so fucking grateful for that. He’s the best and most compatible person I’ve met in my entire life 😂😂 definitely lucked out with him 🥲

  31. Now that I’m 33 and I’ve had a few serious relationships, and two live-in boyfriends I can honestly say I didn’t love a single one of them lol. Now I’m on my third live-in boyfriend and it feels … different and nicer than before. Not sure if that’s what falling in love is 🤷🏼‍♀️

  32. I thought I fell in love. They were all infatuations, since I never really learned too much about them, and if they had a behaviour that pissed me off, my infatuation would stop that moment. I had 4 crushes (5 if you count the time I was at a summer camp).

  33. I believe like sexuality, love is a spectrum.

    I’ve loved a lot of people in my life, to varying degrees.

  34. Once, but he died. We were 10 and a half years happily married. They were the best years of my life.

  35. Zero.

    Sometimes I think if things would’ve been different if some things were different but who knows. I’ve definitely had feelings before and I’ve definitely loved and I’ve definitely felt like it was getting there and could get there but I feel like with me real love has to grow. I have to feel comfortable and pseudo-in-sync with someone. I have to feel like I can really trust someone so those feelings are solid. I don’t know.

  36. At first I said: 4x. I’m in my 40s

    But after reading more posts about how you define this I’ve realized it was really only once, maybe twice. I am not in love with my husband. He has hurt me too many times.

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