Been seeing this girl for only like a month, things going well had the exclusivity talk etc… , she has way more of a social life than me and I’ve been trying to make friends and get more of a social life myself.

She literally never invites me to hangout when she’s doing this fun stuff with her friends. Like she’s going camping this weekend and she knows I don’t have any real plans and that I’m trying to get more of a social life.

Is it weird she doesn’t invite me? Do some women just like to keep friends and relationships separate? I’m not freaking out or anything it’s only been a month, but if I had some fun plans I would invite her

  1. Sometimes I would wait to invite my partner out to meet my friends until things got more serious

  2. I personally wouldn’t want to invite someone on a trip if I’ve only been seeing them for a month. Seems too soon. Give it time and you’ll start to meet her friends.

    But at the same time, if you’re trying to expand your social circle, don’t rely on her friends for that. Go out and meet people on your own. If your only friends are her friends, then that could potentially feel smothering for her. Specifically because of situations like this, where if she doesn’t invite you out with her friends, then you’re just at home alone.

  3. I can tell you that if my friends and I had a camping trip planned, none of us would feel comfortable with one of the girls bringing some guy she’s only been seeing for a month.

  4. I’d be pretty annoyed if I had a camping trip and someone brought their new boyfriend they met a month ago

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