I have heard this before and trying to see if anybody has done the test to see if there are noticeable difference? How much did you drink, how long did it take to take affect, how did it change the taste? So many questions.

  1. Sweet and hydrating foods will tend to make it taste better, and bitter/pungent and dehydrating foods will tend to make it taste worse.

  2. According to the 1 female I tried, she said it was marginal better. I drank 500ml a day on average, can’t add to the lead time sorry.

    this with

  3. My girlfriend hates the taste of cum, but she said it wasn’t puke worthy after I spent like a week on fruit juices alone.

  4. I eat pineapple pretty religiously and I can definitely taste more sweetness when I’m eating it regularly.

  5. It’s more diet related that anything. A few years ago I started eating better and taking that stuff more seriously and my wife noticed.

    Though, tasting “better” still doesn’t mean tasting “great.”

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