Two days ago I went for a walk with a girl from my college class, we talked a lot and had a good time. When and how should I make the next move?

  1. Do you have her number? If so I would text her ASAP. If you wait too long she might start talking to someone else. You don’t have to ask her out if you don’t want to, although it would be totally cool for you to do so, but just connecting again is important.
    If you don’t have her number or her snap or anything, then I would make a point to go somewhere where you think you will see her and say hi and talk to her for a minute.

    In other words, at least keep some sort of dialogue going

  2. hey im glad things went well for you! it’s great that you agreed to go with her and her friend, shows flexibility, social skills and interest.

    Two days is a good enough time to ask her out again.

    Your next move depends on what you want to have with her. if you’re looking for a serious long term relationship then your main goal should be to get to know each other better and to feel comfortable together.

    I’d recommend tryng to keep things creative and dynamic instead of always having the same type of date. You talked a lot on your last date, which is great! so maybe you could propose a date with a fun activity where you can be more playful and spontaneous. specially if you’re still feeling a bit shy. What things you like to do? i’d recommend something like bowling, where you have to move but there’s time to talk and eat, you don’t need experience, and you’re competing with each other but it’s not that serious, even if you’re losing you still have fun. Instead of solely focusing on each other your attention is on the game, and you can laugh at how bad at it you are. ofc it depends on your preferences and personality, maybe you would prefer an escape room or a picnic on the park with boardgames.

    if you’d like to have another date where the conversation is the focus find out if there’s a cool place nearby where you can take her, like an artistic cafe or a theme restaurant.

    idk if you’ve already told her you enjoyed spending time with her, but if you didn’t you could tell her “hi! i had a great time the other day 🙂 I was thinking we could (go bowling or whatever idea you prefer) this weekend, what do you think?”

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