Women who have not yet married but might want to in the future, what would it take for you to want to marry someone?

  1. They would have to make my life significantly better for me to let them into it full time.

  2. I’m a loner by nature, I like being alone. Simply put, I would have to enjoy their company more than I enjoy my alone time.

  3. I often ask myself that question. I think that in order for me to marry a person he would need to enhance my life and not complicate it. Quite frankly, I have spent a lot of time alone and I know how to live life like this. For the most part it is enjoyable and I know how to enjoy my life by myself. If I was to find that special person that made my life amazing, I would love to marry him. But I have made the decision to enjoy my life until then.

  4. First I would have to find someone interested in marrying me. Since that seems like such an impossibility I’ll just leave it there for now.

  5. Someone loyal. Someone who loves me for me, and feels satisfied with me. I hate feeling like I’m not enough.

    I’m a lesbian, and all the women I’ve dated left me for men because they missed penis and just piv in general. It’s so common that I don’t bother dating anymore. I’ll never feel like I’m enough.

  6. Not sure. I wanted to get married at some point but as I’ve aged I just don’t see a point?

    Maybe if we bought property together I’d consider to join assets

  7. I’m not sure if this question is targeted at unmarried women with a partner or all unmarried women regardless of relationship status, but for me to marry someone I would need to be just as happy with them as I am as single.

  8. Feeling a strong connection and trust with them. Honestly that’s it. Oh and they have to have ambitions and goals.

  9. It won’t take much. I want to get married and I plan on marrying my girlfriend but she’s still in college so we’re bidding our time.

  10. I think many people in general, have a moment when they feel it’s time, and they want to get married. And then thay meet a person good enough to marry and they want to, and get married.

    On the other hand, with my best friend, I had a very bad and hard period in my life (the worst and the toughest so far) snd she was with me and loved me and supported me during that time.

    I feel like, of someone loves me so much to stay with me throughout a very tough period, I’d probably feel really safe and secure, and probably would want to get married with them. If the other things are in order, of course (love, same goals, good financial status, etc )

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