Men of Reddit, if you can talk to that special girl one more time, what will you say to her?

  1. If you’d asked me this ten years ago, my answer would be “Come with me.” but now that I’m older, I know that saying nothing at all was the right thing to do.

  2. She’s still alive, and I still have her phone number.

    I’d say absolutely nothing. When it’s over, no matter how special she made you feel, know that some other man will be feeling just as special by the end of this quarter, if not this weekend.

    You’re not special, you’re replaceable. And no matter how special you thought it was, to her it wasn’t – it was just another experience. When faced with this cold reality, the only thing you can do is turn around, walk away, and never look back. The only thing she can’t take is your pride.

    Anything else is weakness.

  3. Hey, little buddy. I love you as much more than just my best friend. I always did and always will. You know that, of course, because I’ve never really tried to hide it. I wish things could be different and we could have some big four-way marriage or some shit, but the law about that kind of sucks and I think your husband hates me. Anyway. There you go.

  4. My only regret was letting you drag me down for as long as you did you miserable drunk. 10 years down the drain but it only took a few weeks to see that my life is a million times better with you not in it.

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