I have read this for starters: [https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-dominate-a-conversation](https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-dominate-a-conversation)

Is it a matter of listening for keywords to interject yourself and shutting down a conversation with speed at the same time? It does seem to be a powerplay. And I do wonder about how to find low stakes opportunities to practice this.

  1. I can tell you exactly how to do this. Enter a conversation where everyone is talking and having a good time. Listen really well until you find something you can comment on and get engaged. Change the topic to something you really like but most people don’t. Then start monologuing about every detail and act really excited about it. People will feel really bad about telling you to stop or leaving. If they change the topic respond to them and change it back. If they try to leave say that you have one more thing to say before they go.

    I used to do this a lot but haven’t had the chance recently because I haven’t been invited to anything for the past year.

  2. If your main goal in a conversation is to “dominate” it you’re giving it a competitive element so I would hope you’re doing that in a more than average competitive setting only. If you’re doing that in a casual setting you’re almost always going to come off as off putting, rude arrogant, brash. Not to say conversations can’t be dominated such as being a comedian doing crowdplay teasing,story telling or when you need to debate or argue. but domination isn’t the main goal it a subset of your other objective or it should be.

  3. I mean you should never want to intentionally dominate the conversation. It’s generally not viewed well in group conversation. But on that same note. People tend to listen to what you say if you speak with intelligence, purpose and manners.

  4. If you want to dominate a conversation, then the key is to have confidence and only open your mouth when you are sure of something that you say.

    The rest are physical tweaks like perfect eye contact, controlled gestures, having a low pitch, etc etc. But these tweaks automatically come to you if you’re naturally confident.( not egotistical, ego is a different thing from confidence).

    True dominance is when you project confidence, not ego. If people think you’re a self absorbed dick, then you’ve lost.

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