How much do you share? Typically we’ve (33M and 31F) shared nothing, but kinda acknowledged that it happens. Sharing frequency, type of material, doing it in front of each other, explaining what role sex v masturbation and play, when you’re doing it could be beneficial. E.g., if one partner masturbates to porn, or exes, making sure that’s acceptable to the other partner. Curious to see what’s worked well or not for others. Thanks!

  1. I always share stuff with my husband but I’m an over sharer 🤷🏼‍♀️ he doesn’t send me the porn he watches but I don’t ask

  2. 10 years. She knows I masturbate a lot when I’m home alone. From my perspective she doesn’t seem exactly thrilled I do, but she accepts that I do.

    When she is home, she’s given the impression that it’d be offensive if I try to masturbate when she’s home. A sort of “hey, *I’m right here!* let *me* help you with that” kind of vibe. Though when she’s home we do a bunch of other activities that I’m too preoccupied to think about sex or Masturbation, so it’s never an issue. When I do get in the mood I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom and away we go.

    She has more of a reactive sex drive than a proactive one, but she tells me she practices self love when I’m at school and she’s home. Like a once a week deal.

  3. We don’t really discuss details, we consider it “me time”. That being said, I’ll tell her about a toy that I started using, and she has said she has tried some of the other toys we have. She has never liked anything that vibrates and she told me the other day she wants to experiment herself and see if she can find something she likes.

  4. Same OP. Aside from acknowledging it, there isn’t much more said. It doesn’t bother me, and I wish she would share, but I have no problem with something being private if she wants it to be.

  5. We are very open about it. She tends not to masturbate unless I’m there. She knows I do it all the time. I frequently will sex her and tell her I’m edging. Maybe send a Dick pic. If she walks into the room and I’m playing she will usually come over and Participate. This morning as we were saying goodbye and kissing, She reached down and grabbed my Dick I said who I think you’ve been playing. I told her yes

  6. I was in a LDR for a couple years a while back and we both masturbated or knew the other one was beginning to because we would text each other if the other one was busy or not. We enjoyed watching each other or masturbate together via video. There were many times whenever either one of us would text, we’d turn on the video and just watch fully focused on watching them. It was very much a voyeuristic LDR but very enjoyable.

    We’d shower together when we woke up or whenever our schedules didn’t match we’d turn on the video just to watch the other one shower. It was our way of staying connected and very personal to each of us that we were mentally together. Showing the private lives and actions that a couple would do together if they were together physically.

  7. My wife has lichen sclerosus (she’s getting treatment, but it doesn’t help as much as either of us would like), so our sex life consists mainly of solo and mutual masturbation with occasional oral sex. We tell each other just about everything. For example, I haven’t told her that I sometimes fantasize about hiring a sex worker because I miss having my cock in a warm, wet cunt. I don’t intend to do it, and voicing the fantasy would just make her feel bad about her condition.

  8. W doesn’t know too much. she assumes i masturbate at home (wfh) when she is gone, and i do. sometimes before sex we’ll touch ourselves before we get into penetration.

    I guess i could honestly tell her when i am wfh and masturbate i love to cum into her panties.

  9. We’re pretty open about our habits, like how often, what porn we like, the toys we use. Once in a while we masturbate and watch porn together, which is a lot of fun and an exciting way to find new kinks. Whenever one of us gets a new toy we’ll invite the other to watch or help use it. Sometimes when she wants to get herself off she’ll ask me to lay next to her and describe the last time I did it, other times she’ll masturbate while I’m out of the house and tease me by telling me all about it when I get home.

  10. Not a relationship but we both know when we do. We literally share this Reddit account so we can save porn for each other 🤣

  11. After several years of marriage I finally caught my wife masturbating. I was incredibly turned on but at first she was embarrassed. I then let her watch me masturbate and she thought it was awesome. Now we have an open masturbation policy. We don’t exactly share when we do it but have no problem doing it in front of e/o when needed.

  12. Been together 4 years, she found out once cuz I thought I could be honest with her, she had a freak out. So now she has zero idea.

    I think it stems from past relationships, where her ex’s told her they would rather jerk off then have sex. But that’s ok, I’ll just keep my secret to myself.

  13. We generally tell eachother, but sometimes forget. Sometimes we do it teasingly “Ah if you had been home early we could have had some fun, but now I had to take care of myself.” Or if we find a window in the brower open still we’ll tease eachother about the porn “ooh, you are into some kinky stuff are you, why dont you show me how wet you get for this”and then it is foreplay for us having sex. Or we will tell eachother what we were fantasizing about. We also masturbate in fromt of eachother sometimes when one person is like supertired and falling asleep or as part of a kinky show for eachother, telling what we are thinking of as we are doing it, while the other lies beside, maybe holding the other, kissing the neck orso..


    And sometimes we dont know it just happens during the day that we watch porn for a soloquicki and we forget to mention it, because at the end of the day for both of us porn is just scratching an itch and can never compete with what we have together.


    We generally dont fantasise about other real life people unless it is people we have had an encounter with together or want to have an encounter with. But I feel weird about including real life people who cannot consent in my fantasies anyway. So yeah, jealousy regarding that is generally not an issue.

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