Warning, long and probably boring.
I haven’t been dating for 7 years. Met my last BF online, we had 6 years together, but he passed away a year ago. So I’d like to date but haven’t done anything about it so far.

Last night I volunteered at a big ticket annual fundraiser for a non profit I have a connection with. I thought I might meet someone there, but looked like mostly couples, so that didn’t happen. Ok though, I’m happy to contribute to this nonprofit. After we sold all the raffle tickets I was free to wander around.

Talked to a bartender, he seemed pleasant enough, and he asked me what I was doing later. I thought he might ask me to go do something with him after the event was over. But then another staff member came over, joined the conversation and casually mentioned the bartenders wife. So either it was all innocent, entertaining the guests, or he was serious and his coworker stopped him.

Either way I am feeling really irritated. More than I should be I think. And I’m reminded how difficult it was dating was before. All the questions you end up asking yourself, what did that mean? The anxiety of it all. Maybe I won’t even bother. But why am I so irritated?

1 comment
  1. I don’t know?! Because a wife being mentioned should have ended any speculation whether he is a single dude worth to be investigated immediately, no!? That’s common sense no matter whether you have been out of dating for a couple of years or not.

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