On mobile, I apologize for any issues. Also, the setup is a bit long but the context is important.

This happened last night, and I’m still hurting. I 27M have been dating my girlfriend 26F for three years.

I am planning to propose this Thursday, our anniversary. I bought the ring and booked a fancy hotel that we normally wouldn’t stay at since it was one night l, booked a restaurant with a nice meals and she loves this particular place. I also organized and lunch the next day with her family to celebrate. Everything was setting up to be perfect.

Yesterday at dinner, we were talking about a potential engagement and future wedding, not unusual for us, but during the conversation she could tell I wasn’t being entirely truthful about when I would want to get engaged. For context, my girlfriend has very bad anxiety and this made her worry about a number of issues, not about us but a few other personal struggles she deals with.

In the end, she kept pushing me for what I wasn’t telling her and ultimately, I had to tell her about my plans to propose.

I haven’t asked or shown her the ring and we are planning to go to hotel and celebrate our anniversary and I still intend to propose but, Reddit, how can I make it special even if she knows I’m eventually going to ask?

TLDR: My girlfriend found out when I am going to propose and I’m still going to, but how can I make it special?

  1. If she’s the one, she will still be extremely happy & excited about being proposed to (even if she knows its going to happen). It’s not the grandiosity of a proposal that makes a marriage, but the quality of the relationship & connection that you both share.

    I would stay the couse with the current plan.

  2. What makes an engagement special is the fact that _you are asking someone to spend the rest of your lives together._ Everything else is just window dressing. Your love for her isn’t measured by how much bullshit you pile on top of important moments. It’s in the moments themselves. So propose like you intended, and view this as just the way it was supposed to go.

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