Despite what people think about me, I am more than happy with change. What I’m not happy is the idea that nothing will change no matter how hard I work. I’m close to 25 and a lot of my life has been dictated by things that were completely out of my control. That’s what I want to change, that I have power and authority. I work 10 hours at a job I hate, spend the rest of it driving 12 miles to and from work, have get home at half 7 at night, work on what I want to work on for 4 hours a night, go to bed about midnight and get up about 7 and the whole thing starts up again. And I’ve never told anyone about my determination for power.

1 comment
  1. Four hours is plenty of time to make changes, learn new things, expand your vision etc. That’s daily!

    Also you could use your drive time to listen to audio books or podcasts, maybe of the useful or inspirational kind, to make use of that time also.

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