There’s a girl in my class that doesn’t really talk with others, but I’m not sure if she isn’t interested in interacting with other kids or if she’s just shy. We barely talked except for names and stuff but I kind of want to know her. is it a good idea to ask her out? (grade 12)

  1. Maybe try to get to know her first by making small talk and such. After that, if it feels right, shoot your shot.

  2. Is it OK? Yes. Is it a good idea? You could have a better one. You said it yourself, she’s either uninterested in interacting, and therefore will refuse, or shy, and therefore much more likely to respond positively if you go slowly on her and basically ask something small of her, like a short conversation at wherever you both already are, than something big, like going out with you.

  3. It’s definitely okay but Id recommend trying to have a conversation or somewhat befriend them a little first. Any common interests? Similar friends?
    Make sure you guys actually click.
    Good luck though!

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