Well honestly it has been a rough year and four months with my boyfriend. It started back in the middle of summer before his senior year, and his family had major issues from the start.

He had only just figured out about this side of the family less than a year and had discovered he had a half sister.

His sister (17) had not been present in the house due to being taken by cys, but they were attempting to get her back. She slowly started coming back, staying a few hours, then a the nights, and I noticed her behavior around him was… off to say the least. She was flirty and would talk down on me any chance she got. I just knew she liked him.

Then our relationship started going down hill and we started fighting a lot and one day I decided to cut him off because I could no longer handle the fear of them sleeping together. It was never direct confirmation but whenever he slowly stopped calling and hung out with his sister more I couldn’t take it.

Fast forward a few months later and he gets kicked out of the house. The family had made an effort to reach out to him but he was pretty adamant on not wanting to go back. He said it was due someone stealing his bike and that his sister was trying to make moves on him. Such as kissing, grabbing his junk, whatever.

Due to my gullibility I just assumed this was all the sexual contact the two had shared. He told me that some guy got her pregnant and that was the last we talked about her besides whenever he felt homesick. We got back together and tried to pretend our past didn’t exist.

At some point the sister and the parents were fighting for custody and He was called to the stand to testify. Suddenly they dropped it and he never actually got to go.

Now fast forward 6 ish months later a police officer had knocked on my door and arrested my boyfriend and said he was being charged for incest. Turns out they had done a dna test on the baby and they believe him to be the father.

I honestly cried and screamed until I lost my voice… now I’m wondering what do I do ?

The only things keeping me here are the facts I know his sister has slept with his brother and cousin and that they are half blooded

EDIT – If there is any free texting therapy apps or anything PLEASE send them my way. I can’t do face to face yet because of how terrible this situation is

TL;DR – boyfriend of one year has slept with his half blooded sister during our separation

  1. first of all, PLEASE take an std and pregnancy test yourself.

    second, this disgusts me. i’m so sorry you were with this dickhead. stay away from him and his family.

  2. You’re wondering what to do????

    Your boyfriend impregnated his SISTER.

    What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m so pissed off that I even read this

  3. You need to leave ASAP. Nobody faults you for not knowing, but what a freaking gross, ugly situation. Get out of it now.

  4. Girl, you’re 18 years old with your whole life ahead of you. I promise you it will only get better if you leave the man that impregnated his sister. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

  5. Why would you want to be associated with a family like that?? You’re so young! Cut this guy off and go live your life!

  6. First, know there is nothing wrong with you. I can’t imagine how empty and confused you feel. That is so repulsive and NO ONE deserves to be treated that way.

    Second, know you’re gonna be okay. I know it probably feels like your world is crashing down, but you will be feeling better soon. take it one minute at a time. then one day at a time. Before you know it, you and your friends will be laughing at this dude.

    and Third, please get into therapy. This man sounds very mentally unwell, and being in a close relationship with him, where he is lying and gaslighting you, will definitely take a mental toll. Check into therapy as soon as you can. The online services are great.

    Self Care Suggestions:

    -take a bath while watching a youtube show on your phone.
    -cry as much as you need!!
    -put in some headphones and listen to a guided meditation
    -talk to someone you trust and vent
    -brush your hair.
    -wash your face

    it’s gonna be okay. fuck this pervert 😐

    edit to add: i’m just seeing you haven’t broke up. block him, throw his shit on the front porch, and go completely no contact. firmly set that boundary, dude, it’s the only option.

  7. This is a mess. The whole situation is a mess. You have a golden opportunity to walk away and don’t look back. So just walk away and don’t ever look back there are plenty more people in the world you’ll find someone else who isn’t involved in messed up situations like what you’ve described. Good luck, don’t stick around

  8. I can only imagine how hard this is for you and I’m sorry it’s happening but girl you need to RUN. I promise, promise, promise that in 10 years you’ll be cringing when you think about the fact that you ever even cared for this loser. You are not an idiot for trusting him while you were with him but you will be an idiot if you stay now that you know.

  9. That is so beyond fucked. Girl I would run away from this mess. Break it off.

    Edit: Nevermind. Fake post.

  10. Oh girly run ! You are so young . Cut this bullshit out and live your life you only get one and they go by so fast so please just leave and don’t look back

  11. There is no way that this post is true. You would have to get the FBI to put a gun to my head to release this information on Beyoncé’s internet.

  12. What to do?!

    GIRL, RUN!!! As far away as possible from him! You are only 18, why the fuck you are willing deal with this sister-fucker?!
    Even if he is not the father, he is a possible suspect, which means they did the deeds for sure. That’s enough info. Regardless of if he’s the father or not, dump his ass.

  13. Why would you ever consider staying with him? He impregnated his sister while dating you. I promise you in 5 years you will shudder thinking back if you seriously consider staying with him. Do not tie yourself to this and go out and better your life from him.

  14. I’m sorry, did you say he was your bf ONE YEAR?? Why are you sticking around for this? I kind of think if you have to separate during your first year of dating it’s probably not going to work out, you know?

  15. I’m not going to defend incest, but the instinct that tells us to keep our mitts off someone depends on our growing up with them from an early age. If his half-sister was out of the house for years and then was brought back, that’s prime incest territory.

    The adults in the house, and CPS, should have been more careful; this was totally predictable. Bf isn’t the first or the last teenager to let his little head do the thinking, and now he’s screwed up three people’s lives, four if we count yours.

    That said, this is your cue to *leave*. That’s a sick family and you can’t fix it.

  16. So, there is a thing called GSA — genetic sexual attraction. It is a real thing and it happens between related adults who don’t meet until they’re adults. Instead of having the aversion to have a sexual relationship with a family member (like most people who grow up together, related or not), they instead form a sexual attraction. It’s a real and documented thing. It sounds like maybe it happened to the half-sister (and maybe also the brother). So, I could forgive them a bit for the attraction–acting on it, on the other hand, is another thing.

    Anyway, I agree with the other people in this thread. You’re young and it sounds like you’ve already seen the writing on the wall with this guy. Even if the other woman wasn’t his sister, he went and knocked up some other woman and then lied to you about it. Shut the door on this relationship and never look back.

  17. Know that you are better off without this disgusting family and walk away feeling proud of yourself for the self respect in that choice. Be glad you don’t have kids together or a marriage to legally end and enjoy your newfound freedoms. You’re a young woman. This is not the end of your story

  18. This is absolutely horrid, OP. You need to break up with him immediately.

    Even though they were both consenting legal adults, you don’t want anything to do with your BF’s bizarre, twisted, and toxic family dynamic. Leave now.

  19. > Now fast forward 6 ish months later a police officer had knocked on my door and arrested my boyfriend and said he was being charged for incest.

    …you can be arrested for incest?

  20. I watch this sub with a grain of salt thinking a significant portion are made by bots…

    This simply cannot be a post made by a real person.

  21. Do not call him your boyfriend. He is not. You will not lower yourself to be with someone in a situation like this.

  22. Get the f away from this entire family immediately and never look back. You have your entire life in front of you and these are horrible people. You don’t need that drama in your life.

  23. This situation is too messy. If you stay with him, his sister will remain in his life. She’s his sister. And if he actually slept with her, which it sounds like he did, then he clearly has a problem with boundaries. Run from this situation. Your gut told you it was a problem initially, and now that your fears came true, it’s not going to get better.

  24. What do you mean what do you do!? You fucking run away and never contact him or anyone related to him ever again. Block all numbers, hell get yourself a new number actually, block on all social media. You’re 18, don’t tangle yourself up with this nightmare any more than what’s already happened .

  25. What I’m the Josh Duggar!!!! What state are y’all in? Was she not able to abort? I’m disgusted that they kept this baby. Like, someone had to know she was carrying something sick inside of her. Howwwwww!

  26. Completely ghost him and cut him off. You don’t want anymore of that drama in your life. You’re too young to be involved in that bullshit. Walk away, change your number or block him on everything and don’t look back. It’s gonna hurt but you’ll thank yourself later for putting yourself. He’s messed up for this and he lied to you smh

  27. Im very sorry you are going through this.. my half brother is waiting to stand trial for a very similar thing.. it has killed our family.

  28. He is definitely the father. Unless his brother is an identical twin they share similar DNA but not so close that experts can’t tell the difference and the cousin definitely isn’t the father.

    He can bullshit you all he wants but bottom line is he fucked her and got her pregnant not his brother not his cousin. Dump his lying cheating incestuous ass and move on with your life

  29. Did he abuse his sister? Is she a minor? Or they can arrest you for incest in the US? I know is fucked up and all. I’m just surprised… Where I am you cannot marry your siblings (obviously!) but I don’t think they arrest you if you haven’t forced someone… Not that I know.

    Anyway, you’re young, you don’t need all the complication this family is providing.

  30. Do you have respect for yourself? Leave. He fucked his sister while being with you. And lied about it. HE FUCKED HIS SISTER AND ALSO ABANDONED HIS INCEST BABY LOL

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