Hey, I’m 16F and I’ve been dating a guy for a few weeks. Mostly we’ve hung out a lot and we’ve kissed a bit, but kept our clothes on. I want to take it further, but I want to make sure we don’t get carried away. This is all very new for me and it’s exciting/terrifying at the same time. Any suggestions how we can take it a bit further without “too much”?

  1. When I first start dating someone, I like to take it slow. Kissing, touching. Then moving to oral. I try to not have sex for the first month. The pleasure and anticipation builds and it makes the sex so intense. Try to just set a date or a time frame and don’t let him or anyone pressure you if you’re not ready at that point.

  2. Get on birth control. Don’t tell him you’re on it, doubling protection is always good, but being on an established birth control method, is always a great safety net at your age.

    Mutual masturbation is a good safe second step.. after kissing and over the clothes touching.

  3. Exploring through touch is a good next step, but before that, I would say to do yourself a favor and keep working on developing good communication skills around sex. If this is a guy you’re into and want to keep going down this path, then talk to him. Let him know it’s new to you, and you’re interested in exploring more with him, but establish your boundaries. Make it clear what is too much and what is not. His ability to listen will let you know if he is worth continuing down this path with. Also, as the time comes don’t look at as losing your virginity, think of it more as your sexual debut. You’re gaining something, not losing something. And of course use safe sex practices. Good luck!

  4. You will get carried away after taking your cloths off. It’s your first so better take it slow

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