I have a “friend” i briefly dated about 2 years ago. He decided he wanted to just be friends. However for the past 2+ years now he’s been giving me mixed signals, ghosting, popping back up and repeat. It’s making it difficult to get over the whole romantic thing with him doing this and I’m over it. He is currently in the ghosting phase of the cycle. I’m def going to delete his number but I’m wondering if I should block him as well. We have mutual friends so there is a chance I’ll end up seeing him again unfortunately but I’m thinking I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. He also follows me on social media. I have him muted so none of his posts show up for me but I’m wondering if I block his number if I should block him on socials too. We’re both in our late 20s and honestly too old for this BS.

Update: I’ve just gone ahead and deleted his number and not blocked him. I’m expecting this to become one of those situations where we just won’t speak again if I don’t initiate. Thanks everyone for your comments and advice!

  1. What do you mean mixed signals?

    Him popping up is a part time friend thing unless you’re leaving out a lot.

  2. I tend to not want to ghost back – even if they’ve gone radio silent on me. I’ll send out a message into the ether explaining where I’m at and why I can’t keep up a friendship with them.

    Then, if they are pretty toxic and I really worry about the emotional impact they could have if they popped up – I also explain why its not healthy for me to leave the channel of communication open, and then I’ll block.

    Maybe I’m weird that way – I guess then I know that I said what I meant, and if I *do* ever run into them then its not like I have anything to hide or be ashamed of. I can just repeat what I said over text.

    I guess thats sorta the principle I operate by – don’t do it digitally if I wouldn’t do it in-person (but still do what you need to do for your mental health).

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