I told the guy I was seeing that I dreamed about being pregnant and we were making jokes about it stating it better stay a dream as we both strongly don’t want a kid. And then I mentioned that it was actually with my ex- a dream about getting preggy with my ex. He responded “oh wow” and didn’t talk to me anymore. No response to my 2 texts. Should I give him a call or leave him alone for tonight?

He knows that I have no interest in my ex. Blocked him on my phone and all of my social media. I blocked him because he has tried to call/FT me nonstop.

  1. Why on earth would you say that? Serious overshare.

    Definitely leave him alone for a couple of days.

  2. Should probably leave him alone. It kind of feels like an indication that you still have slight interest in the ex, never bring up an ex with that kind of event in a current relationship.

  3. Man, people just share shit they have no business telling anyone these days😅. OP, you should’ve went to the grave with that dream.

  4. You’d be lucky if he doesn’t break up with you. Why would you ever tell someone that you dreamed about getting pregnant with your ex.

  5. I went on a date with a girl shortly after my sister got married and I had wedding venues on my mind… Apparently that’s not a first date conversation topic. Lol I wasn’t thinking about marrying her at all. I was thinking about wedding venues in general. Haha, she ghosted me.

  6. Why on Earth would you say that? Yea I’d just leave him be and don’t expect a call for at least… ever again actually.

  7. Leave him alone, you struck out with your comments about pregnancy + your ex — both of which are pretty big red flags.

  8. Give him space and time, to clear his head of the image of you and ex having sex that you put there. Major overshare

  9. You don’t need to leave him alone. Because he is going to leave you alone. Permanently. There are times in life when you just do NOT need to open your mouth and let stuff fall out. Telling your BF about a dream where you got pregnant by your EX is definitely one of those times.

  10. Why on earth would you share that with him? Just dumb. Plain old dumb and insensitive.

  11. That was unwise. He looks at it as deep down inside, you still aren’t really over your ex. Sure, you’re doing everything you can to suppress it but the feelings are still there. He needs space but you might not like what he says when he’s ready.

  12. Oof… might be time to start hoping he gets passed it quickly. The only dream about an ex a man would wanna here is he moved far far far away. You explained the dream as getting pregnant with your ex. Let me now tell you what he heard. “So I had a dream I got ploughed by my ex”. Dream or not, that thought is now in his head. A lot of guys are that way, even a good amount of females i know would not be okay just cause it was a dream. Give him some space, don’t call, just send 1 more text and say something to the affect of “Hey, whenever you get a chance or whenever you are comfortable with it can we talk? I wanna clear something up.” He will know something is up and it’s not the scary dreaded “we need to talk”.

  13. Why the fuck would you even tell him about that dream in the first place? Thats a dream you go “huh weird” when you wake up and never think of it again.

  14. I don’t why you even brought it up, you could’ve kept the ex thing to yourself but still said you had a dream about getting pregnant. how would you feel if he said he had a dream he got his ex pregnant while he’s with you?

  15. Why the fuck would you tell them that? I’m sorry but I think you screwed the pooch on this one. Completely unnecessary and even rude in certain contexts. “I dreamt about my ex getting me pregnant” to the guy you’re currently in a romantic relationship with, are you kidding me?

  16. Dang. Why, why on gawd’s green earth when you tell you now ex-boyfriend about a dream that your ex ex put in you? Seriously? I refuse to believe this. Just No.

  17. Have you considered… not sharing every thought that enters your head? No one wants to hear that from the person they’re seeing. Just move along and don’t say something so strange and rude to the next person you date, he rightfully probably wants nothing to do with you lol

  18. Honest question: what did you hope to accomplish by telling him that? What did you _think_ his reaction was going to be?

    Under what circumstance — hell, on what planet — is it ever good news that your girlfriend’s subconscious wants to be fucked and impregnated by some other guy?

    Advice on sharing dreams: don’t.

    Seriously, don’t. They are basically your brain taking out the trash after a long day. Best to treat them as such: inconsequential, disposable nonsense that really doesn’t merit being shared. But if you start treating them as if you take them seriously, what do you suppose he will do? He’s going to think you’re trying to tell him something.

  19. Learn from this and move on. Generally people get super freaked out when you talk about pregnancy early on, dream or not, and bringing up your ex unless asked is a no no.

  20. well then why in god’s green earth did you mention your ex, if you have no interest in him? girl, let your brain do the braining sometimes

  21. Bro why would you say that lmao but it’s funny because you’re so innocent about it. Yeeeeah I’d apologize asap

  22. No way. Wow. That is exactly what any dude would say. That is an immediate boner killer. That is up there with talking about another dude while you are at it. You royally fucked up. This is like a guy telling a girl about having a dream about getting married to their ex. Go straight to jail, do not pass go, no get out of jail free card.

  23. Leave him alone, you shouldn’t have brought that up at all, and it’s weird you made a point to tell him it was your exes, the pregnancy dream was one thing but you just HAD to tell him? Jesus

  24. You biffed it. BIG time. Good luck on your next relationship and know never to say that stuff to your future partner again. I feel bad for the guy.

  25. Sounds like you still have feelings for ex and I don’t mean that you do but to the people who aren’t you it sounds like you do

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