To keep it short and simple I’ve been with her for only about 2 months and there is a clear difference we’ve talked about it. It used to be very effortless to please her during sex. The first 3 times we had it. Now it’s the 4th time and she’s on the meds antidepressants and naltrexone. And it’s frustrating seeing her not even react to me doing the same things orally or penetratively that used to make her scream and now she doesn’t react quite the same way she doesn’t get as wet either. She is just as in love with me and shows it clearly but I just wish I could get the old version of her back. Do you guys have any ideas on how to cope with this or find a way to please her better? I was doing more than a good enough job before she started taking this garbage

1 comment
  1. Her brain is going through quite an ordeal, and she’ll benefit from your loving support at this stage. The typical antidepressants (I’m assuming either an SSRI or SNRI) can reduce a person’s libido. I’m assuming the naltrexone is to wean off either the alcohol or opioid or heroin addiction.

    Give her lots of love and support, as it’s going to be a tough road ahead. Over time as her brain heals, she’ll gradually return to her more normal self and have a better headspace to engage in the intimacy in future. Take care!

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