Pretty much as the title says. I (27m) just had unprotected sex with a girl from a club. This isn’t usually like me but I had been drinking. She said she was clean on in the pill/injection but I just don’t know whether she takes care of her sexual health and now I’m panicking.

I accept my responsibility completely, I should not have been that drunk and make such a mistake. I’m 27 and should know better.

Starting to sober up and coming to terms with what’s happened and I’m freaking out. I take care of my sexual health also and to date have not done something like this.

I’m from Enfield in North London UK have no idea where the nearest clinic is to get checked up and I’m freaking out. Any advice will be welcomed please.

  1. Take a chill pill

    You sound tweaked/paranoid on drugs

    Tomorrow just google the nearest clinic for std testing

  2. Google where to go for an std test or ask someone you trust who would know. Getting tested is pretty much the best thing you can do right now

  3. Congrats, mate. What are you gonna name your chlamydia-riddled child? I’m just fucking around. Relax, you’re probably fine. See if there’s any emergency clinics in the morning, or book a screening with your GP first thing Monday morning. Just chill though. Panicking is not going to solve your issue any sooner.

  4. Probably have AIDS now and she’s probably pregnant now and she’s gonna have quadruplets.

  5. It’s very easy to order a full STI check, you can do it online even. Note: some STIs will not be detectable instantly, it’s best to check periodically if you are active sexually.

  6. No protection? Let me guess you even used your real name didn’t you? So now you can look forward to child support in addition to the gono-syphill-aids.

    All jokes aside, Google will tell you the nearest clinic, or hit up your regular doctor. The odds are probably fairly low but definitely get checked

  7. Most people have done this at least once, try being the girl though, and worrying about being pregnant AND having an STD the next day (not fun!) Just get tested, keep an eye on your junk for anything weird… keep it in your pants until you know you’re good. 😉

  8. I remember the first time having anonymous, unprotected sex in college. I had the same mindset, thinking I was going to be dead of AIDS by the end of the week.

  9. I would do a full panel STI check in about 2 weeks. The two big ones, HIV and genital herpes are unlikely from a one time encounter. You’ll probably want to test for HIV after 6-8 weeks.

    I would be more concerned about her being pregnant than anything else.

  10. INFO: How do you “take care of your sexual health” AND not know where your nearest clinic is?

    Go get checked.

    *_IF_* you _do_ test positive for something, tell her (no judgement, no “I caught it from you” – just… “I got tested, came up positive for … You should also get a test”) – yes it’ll be embarrassing, no it doesn’t really matter who gave it to whom; no matter how embarrassing / uncomfortable it is, not telling her is not an option).

    Either way, you’ll soon know where you local / most convenient clap shop is and can start _actually_ taking care of your sexual health with regular testing and free prophylactics.

  11. I would be more concerned about 22 years of half your income to a baby mommy. Oh, you believed her when she said she had birth control covered?

    I would name the baby Brokus as Fuckus or Snickerus Barus for Lunchus and Dinnerus.

  12. My friend just got genital herpes this way. Enjoy!

    But really though, learn from this, get tested now, get tested again in six months, and don’t be stupid next time.

  13. Call your GP and set up a time to chat. They can guide you better than Reddit. Set up a consultation and a time in the future to get STD checks, blood and urine. And do your best to make using protection easier in the future. Keep a condom in your wallet, pack one in that dumb pocket watch pocket in your jeans if you know you’re going somewhere where you might meet someone. Things happen, don’t stress, just calmly plan to protect your health.

  14. I’ve had this moment & I’m usually good at having protected sex. End of story my daughter is 4 now, but I never contracted any STI’s lol

  15. Well give it up to two weeks or 3 days. If you got something you will feel a slight tingling feeling. Be careful where you pee in case fire shoots out your 🥒

    Don’t burn the house down.

  16. My dude relax, you’re probably absolutely fine. She said she’s clean and there’s a high likelihood she was telling the truth, and at worst you’ll get something treatable.

    The incurable shit is so hard to catch so you’ve got so little to be worried about.

  17. Sexual Health London will post a DIY test to your house, for free, and you send it back via your nearest postbox. Couldn’t be simpler.

  18. There’s plenty of sex health clinics where you can grab a std test at no cost and test yourself, there’s also one here in London that sends you the box, you follow the instructions and put it in the post results in couple of days ( is called). Speak to her and get yourselves tested.

    Can’t help with the baby situation tho. Gl.

  19. Get tested. It will be free – you can find a clinic using

    They will be able to tell you how long after potential exposure you need to wait.

    I don’t want to say there’s zero risk that you caught something, but the risk after one exposure remains pretty low. Still, you want to be sure, for yourself and for partners in the future. And for peace of mind, yours and everyone else’s, carry condoms!

  20. You do realize that condoms aren’t 100% effective either right? Not saying you shouldn’t use it or anything but the risk is just less. The only way to be 100% is to abstain from sex. Even a “trusted partner” has risk. Just go get checked, hopefully you don’t end up on Maury “you are the father”

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