I’m a straight female and I’m friends with a few straight men, and all of them drink a LOT of milk (from a cow lol). My dad drinks at least a glass or two a day, my ex boyfriend drank a lot of milk, my current boyfriend has a huge glass with almost every meal, and some of my guy friends also do.

There’s nothing wrong with it, I’m just curious if they’re just people who like milk, or if a lot of straight men drink a lot of milk. I don’t drink much milk (and when I do, it’s normally almond milk) and most of my straight female and lgbtq+ identifying friends don’t drink much milk either.

Not super deep, just curious 🙂

  1. I’ll make the occasional mug of hot chocolate during the winter but that’s pretty much it.

  2. Women suffer en masse with osteoporosis then be like “wHy dO gUyS dRinK sO mUcH mIlK?”

  3. I’ll go through about a gallon a week by myself, mostly used in the mornings for protein shake breakfasts.

  4. I drink zero milk. I do use minimal for my bowels of cereal, usually two. I might be wrong but it’s weird how we are one of the only animals that drinks another’s milk.

  5. In my coffee but that is it. (half and half).

    I used to drink a ton and eat a lot of cereal but that was just so many calories.

  6. None, but I drink at least 3 liters of tap water per day. I’m straight, by the way.

  7. Either never or I have to physically restrain myself from eating a fourth bowl of cereal. No in between.

  8. Maybe a cup a week by itself. Probably another 2-3 cups on top of that if you count what I put in my coffee.

  9. Yeah uhhh. None. My ancestors weren’t on that shit so my body knows it’s poison lol.

  10. I tend to eat more cheese than drink milk, so I get my strong bones that way lol.

  11. we drink 1-2 liters a week. (as cold milk, hot choco, ice coffee, fresh made custard with bourbon vanilla and eggyolks 🤤) my wife says she doesnt like milk in general but she likes the hot chocolate and ice coffee that i make. i think i consume most of the milk.

  12. I like milk a lot but I ain’t white so I’m lactose intolerant, so I drink a lot of oat milk instead 🙁

  13. None. I’m lactose intolerant. I have a feeling though that the sheer volume of milk and cheese I consumed during my childhood contributed to my lactose intolerance

  14. Both me and hubby don’t drink any milk.

    I take it back I do use 1/2 of oat milk when I make overnight oats.

    Actually drinking milk though? Nope

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