New throwaway account for participating in this sub.

I (F) got divorced this year and had almost no experience before meeting my ex-husband. I’m learning that our sex life was pretty lame and recently a guy got me to squirt for the first time and his reaction was suprise and the statement “you didn’t mention that you are a squirter”. I figured it was a fluke and pee and was super embarrassed. It happened with another guy and he also was suprised.

I use the restroom before hand and I don’t realize that it has happened. They weren’t upset, but when scanning this sub it seems that there isn’t a consensus as to whether it is just pee (I’m not looking to start that debate here) Should I be mentioning it with new partners, if so how would you bring it up? I wouldn’t want to set the expectation and have a guy fall short and feel self conscious.

  1. I would just mention “sometimes I squirt”. That way no pressure but they are warned so won’t be surprised.

  2. Sometimes I suggest a towel doubled over just because I know it sucks to do a full bed strip when they might just want to relax.

  3. When u go to a partner’s home(or ur own), once things progress from kissing to a bit heavier: lean in and whisper “go get a towel, things are about to get…..messy”

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