Are there any men out there who don’t need that much sex from a partner ? I find that sex is always on the top of the list when it comes to needs that your partner has. I am wondering if there are actually men out there where sex isn’t a major priority or need for them ? Like yes you like to have it but can go several weeks or months or even longer without it and don’t mind ?


  1. Yeap they are called LL (low libido). Most women do not like them. Check r/DeadBedrooms for the all the evidence.

  2. Sure, there are guys of the like, but at that point, they’re typically not looking for a woman.

  3. The good news? There are many men out there who don’t need or emphasize sex in their lives. The bad news? Many don’t feel the need to date. Those two things are often linked.

  4. weeks and months? I am sure there is someone, there is always someone. Usually you would not want to be with them. It may time to discover what is going on with you.

  5. Sorry that you’re getting a lot of bad advice.

    You might just need a change of scene. There are asexuals/demisexuals out there…if you have some religious convictions you might find a man who’s only interested in “productive” sex… plenty of nerds who value a shared interest over sexual availability.

    They’re out there. Many want to date but, similarly, struggle to find partners that are not interested in sex. Sex and dating are so enmeshed in our culture now that it’s hard, but not everyone feels this way.

  6. O.o *blinks in asexuality* uh, yeah. It’s just not talked about because of toxic masculinity and heteronormativity/allo sexual education western society embodies.

  7. Me, because of some sexual trauma events. So sex isn’t really something I fancy that much 😬 Although, sometimes i wish i could have it but that’s like never gonna happen unless i find a partner who’s super understanding and supportive 🤔

  8. For some reason my current and all ex partners had low libido (I do not) so they’re out there lol. My type is more soft, kind hearted, funny, emo music loving, never masculine.

  9. There are, but your taste in men is going to determine how likely you are to find one. Do some research on testosterone & use that information to identify men who will have lower testosterone. What kind of activities they do on a day to day basis will be the main indicator.

    Keep in mind, after orgasm is when men get their dose of oxytocin, the bonding chemical. Typically they get 400% more of the stuff than women do after orgasm. So try not to think “this man just wants sex”. Sex is how men bond with their partner & create a deeper connection.

  10. My last serious girlfriends (who I was planning to propose too) had a very low sex drive and as a result we would have sex a couple of times then nothing for a couple of months. While I do enjoy sex and could happily do it more often its definitely not a priority.

    So yes, we exist

  11. Some men have low libido or none at all (some asexuals). Though I think you are mistaken in how you views things, sure they are men who think sex is the most important thing, but these guys have FWB, one night or prostitutes. For most of them sex is a part of the whole “dating package” like kisses hugs or saying “I love you”, and if they feel like they don’t have a fulfilling and complete relationship, they might break up, especially when it’s a long term issues like yours and your medication.

  12. My husband has a low sex drive. We have sex every 2 weeks or so 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s fine for us. We both have demanding jobs.

  13. Back when I was in a relationship, I mostly thought about her wellbeing and updating her/asking for updates on what’s happening in our lives. I’ve only ever done it when she’s asked

  14. Personally it’s based on my mood. If wife is an angel then I get turned on easily (3x a week). If she’s shitty and has a foul mouth then I can go on without sex for a long time (3 months maximum is my current record). Priorities are: she should love fur babies, a peaceful home (nagging with a legitimate reason is acceptable), then a good sense of humour. (In that order)

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