I’m still a virgin, but have crossed thresholds of sex. I find it to be nothing more than a single faucet of stimulation, among many. An intimate one at that, but not the only intimate act that can be done with a partner, that produces exhilarating stimulation.

I’ve been using DMT lately, and think it’s potentially one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had and maybe will ever have. But people seem to think otherwise. People tell me sex is better than DMT, and that I’m crazy to think otherwise. But from what I have experienced with sex, I can’t comprehend how I would ever enjoy it more than DMT.

Is sex really all that great, or is it overglorified?

  1. Sex is fucking great.

    Sex is also overglorified.

    Sex is also villainized.

    People do a lot of things to and with sex.


    >But from what I have experienced with sex, I can’t comprehend how I would ever enjoy it more than DMT.

    What makes you expect that you would be able to comprehend what sex is truly like as a virgin?

  2. Pretty much only you can answer that it varies like most things for different people.

    For me especially as a guy with a high drive it’s pretty important it’s how I express intimacy and trust, and I definitely noticed my attitude change if it’s been a while

    For other people it’s fun in the same way exotic foods are nice to have but not necessarily a necessity and isn’t really make or break.

  3. Sex can be as good as dmt or as bad as running a marathon and not finishing. However, it takes more effort and ability, but the side effect are nice unless you forget birth control

  4. The older you get, the less it matters. But also, the lower your T, the less it does for you. If you’re worried, have your T levels checked and do the dietary or supplement thing. Otherwise, grind your purpose and live your life. I sincerely wish I hadn’t been as sex motivated as I was when I was younger.

  5. Yeah I know what you mean about dmt being very intense compared to sex. DMT is a lot more intense and stimulating but its not really like meant to be purely hedonic. I’ve done lsd while having sex and it can be very good you might like that as the intensity and pleasure as well as spiritual aspects of sex are intensified.

  6. It is definitely overglorified in some circles / cultural backgrounds, which of course doesn’t mean it’s not great still. People tend to make up and believe weird myths connected to sex for sure. The stigma around being a virgin and how having sex changes your entire life perspective and way you think about things is definitely untrue. Personally I didn’t instantly magically change into a different person after having sex for the first time, and my friends mostly feel the same way.

    Not sure what DMT is, I assume it’s some kind of a drug. Based on my very limited experience with drugs, I can say It’s true that drugs could make you feel like sex never could, and vice versa. At the same time, sex is actually healthy and drugs mess up your brain.

  7. Sex is what you make of it. Our rather what 2 people make of it unless it’s an orgy or something. It can be great, it can horrible, it can be inspirational, or it can be PTSD inducing.

  8. Ehhhhhh, it can be both. Everything about sex is what you make it to be. In my opinion, I love sex. I think it’s one of the most important activities that all couples need in their lives, whether it’s a relationship or marriage. It’s a sacred act amongst some religions, and it has many benefits. But for the most part, what makes it really great, is having sex with someone in which you have a deep connection and chemistry to. Sometimes your partner’s love language could be physic touch.

    As a virgin, I would advise you to be careful about getting too attached to someone when it’ll be your first time. It may not be great, but it may be the best. You’re still learning the ropes and every partner is different and likes different things. There’s a lot of ideas to get creative, but don’t fall too hard too fast. Don’t stay stuck on that one person and become emotionally and physically attached.

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