TL:DR, I know I am too young for this but I just want a partner that I can be lovey-dovey and romantic with. I am tired of the cookie cutter “work on yourself” advice and I just want to stop feeling sad and lonely because I can’t find a girlfriend. I just wish I could meet a girl that shares my wishes for romantic love and love me long term.

I just have no idea why it is so hard to find a romantic partner. I know I am too young, but why is there no girls my age that have my same dreams of romantic dates, cuddles, kisses, and all the other romantic stuff in media. I know I need to wait, work on myself, and that the right one will come like all that cookie cutter advice they have out there, but I just want romance, I want to cuddle with a girl while we watch anime together, I want to dance with a girl in the moonlight while staring into her eyes, I want to kiss on the beach while watching the sun set, having “I love you” whispered into my ear… I know the romantic ideas I get from social media, anime, and visual novels are all fake, but there has to be at least one girl my age who wants what I want. I just endlessly wish and ask for advice but I only get, “work on yourself”, “the right one will come when you wait”, “focus on your studies”, “your too young to be thinking about this stuff” and all the other cookie-cutter advice that is thrown around the internet like candy. I just want to meet my love, and I am tired of being single, I want to meet the girl that I will spend the rest of my life with.

  1. 16 you have so much more of your own character development. It’s better not to rush and find the right partner

  2. Man, if you think you’re impatient now, wait until 10 years down the line. Slow your roll fam, seriously, no one needs to be this down bad at your age, it will come and it totally shouldn’t be a priority, focus on setting yourself up in life so that way when you do get a relationship you don’t ruin it from being broke/toxic/desperate/naive/unambitious.

  3. The fact that you seem to be under the impression that there’s a simple answer for why you haven’t found the perfect girl at 16 really just underscores that you’re not ready to be worried about this kind of shit anyway.

    You go searching for what you want, you’re just going to end up settling for someone that’s “close enough”. I know you don’t want to hear it but someone really will just walk into your life one day. Wait it out

  4. “I want, I want, I want, I want…”

    Jesus Christ. And what exactly are you bringing to the relationship?

    Listen to the people who have been there before and do the cookie cutter shit before you’re 10 years older and wishing you’d worked on yourself years ago.

  5. i (19/f) remember being your age and wanting something like this-it led to a lot of codependent and frankly abusive relationships down the line, just because i was so desperate to be loved. i always thought, like, why is it only me who wants someone to just be mine?!?! fyi, it’s not. at your age, and frankly mine, we’re here just to learn and feel ourselves out. true partnership and love is an ADDITION to our lives, not an end-all. yknow? if you love love, and want love, embrace that. don’t lose that; just be careful who you spend that love on. take your time

  6. You’ll be okay- it will naturally happen in the next 2 years or college. Don’t listen to negative comments – you are young it isn’t really your fault it is just being a teenager ; you will find that person but it may take time just befriend girls, go to parties, go on dates- you won’t find your perfect person right away but all will happen in due time 🙂 I’m 24 and have only met maybe 3 or 4 people in 10 years of dating that I would say were “special” but you have to date a lot and just keep trying because there’s a lot of trial and error involved

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