So there was a girl I found cute, then out of nowhere she stared coming and starting conversation, sometimes even asking given questions. But I for some reasons shut down the conversation and get the f away. There was eye contact all over the time. Then once I ignored her to the point i didn’t even responded to her hi in public.

I tried to make up and start conversation, after just once she started waving and all again.

One of friends even said that yeah she is dropping hints, but also it was kindda mixed because I asked her to walk together or sit together to which she responded that she will with her friends.

Then on call I asked her that we should hangout more and get to know each other. She went a little low energy on me, after all classes ended she came to me to start a conversation, but I was already trying to move on , so ignored her badly and moved away.

Ofc i regretted this hours later, so I texted her sorry and all, she replied with its okay. Then after a 2 days I texted that gives a hint that i am interested in her. She said “getting to know each other as friends is fine, but i see you as a friend” and because I didn’t have network and the message was not delivered, she took ss and send it on insta trying to justify that she replied and all and I blocked her.

I don’t know if she iss interested in me or just fucking with me.

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