Thank you to everyone who replied to my [first post]( Just a lil update. It was really difficult but I broke up with her. The way she handled the situation at first gave me the impression that I was signing up for a lot more tests if I stay with her so I ended things. Only after that she apologised and promised to never do anything like this again and said that this is something very minor which shouldn’t cause a breakup. Part of me wanted to trust her and give it a go but I don’t want to be in a relationship where I am not certain about it.

As for Susan. After this I have ran into her at the deli daily and she confessed that she was not on board with her girlfriends plan thus she partly messed up the plan without betraying her friends. I guess something is better than nothing and I thanked her for it. It still weirds me out a little that I can’t go to my ex (GF at the time) bff’s home when invited whom I have also known for a significant amount of time without being called a cheater. Personally, I don’t know what was going through my ex’s head. Susan told me that even though she was not on board with the plan she was the one who brought up the youtube video about testing partners to the group and the rest of the girlfriends decided it would be a good idea to test it on me as my ex was the only one in a relationship (with me) at the time. According to her it got out of hand from there and she was tasked with baiting me at the deli.

Jeez, Louise guys. I don’t know if this was the right decision or not but I guess I’ll find that out in a couple of years down the road.

  1. Hell yes you did the right thing. Your thankfully now (ex) girlfriend and her friends are fucking childish. Children who aren’t ready to be in relationships do this type of stuff. You dodged a major bullet.

  2. What the fuck did I just read in your original post! Lord almighty, that is such schemey fuckery. You did the absolute right thing. Shes 25 fuck sake! I truly don’t understand people sometimes and to put someone shes meant to love through this kind of shit, thats not love nor trust. I wish you all the best and hope that in future you find someone who doesn’t cheat playing solitaire with themselves.

  3. To me, relationships are based on trust and honesty. Loyalty tests like the one they tried are anything but trust and honesty. They are deception through and through. Can a relationship survive a trust breaking event? It’s not common, but sure. It is the same after? Never.

    I think a big part of what you can take away from this is how much that trust means to you in a relationship. Keep that fact in mind as you move through life. Be ready to tell new partners that lying and/or deceit is a boundary issue for you and you’d rather hurt feelings from the truth than hurt feelings and trust issues from deception.

  4. Trust me you made the right decision. Stop worrying about it. Your GF and her friends are all immature. Just move on and stay on your path. Always avoid drama!

    More girls will follow.

  5. >baiting me at the deli.

    Repeat this phrase to yourself if you ever think about getting back with your ex ever again. She is one of a group of idiots who can influence each other to do dumb shit all the time. Definitely not long term relationship material.

  6. I’ve never understood “tests” in a relationship. This goes a step further in being completely non-sensical. Hope that girl gets help for her issues.

  7. People who do the whole test thing aren’t mature enough to handle relationships.

  8. A relationship is all about the trust. That’s why cheating hurts so much if your partner cheats. That trust is evaporated. All this test showed was that she didn’t trust you as much as you trusted her. You found out she doesn’t trust you and that’s why this hurt. If you aren’t at equivalent levels of trust in the relationship then it’s a doomed relationship. Then further she showed you explicitly how much she didn’t trust you after she found out the “test” failed. You were not an equal in this relationship unfortunately. I’m sorry this happened, and even though I hate looking at bad things through the lens of a “silver lining”, getting out of this relationship now was probably for the best.

  9. Good work sticking to your guns. Her getting upset about a hypothetical situation that was meant to be inspired by a plan she devised that never even came to fruition is just…. Unhinged.

    Hopefully she learns from this.

  10. Even if your ex-gf hadn’t been there. I don’t get what is wrong with going to hang out with your gf’s best friend 1-on-1. Was Susan supposed to not only ask to hang out, but to also seduce you?

  11. Yeah you did the right thing.

    Did she really think you were intending to cheat on her directly in front of her?? In that case why didn’t she think you were gonna cheat any time y’all three were in the same room? Lol

  12. > and said that this is something very minor which shouldn’t cause a breakup.

    Ummm no dude. She ended up screwing herself, and that’s why she ‘apologized’ (to un-screw herself)… But she’s clearly not taken any responsibility for it.

  13. My guy. Imagine being married to someone this manipulative. You did the right thing. Sorry about the broken heart stuff, I’m sure all this sucks pretty hard. Good for you for having the self-respect to have a “no trying to trick me into shit” boundary.

  14. I’ve only experienced that level of childish and manipulative behavior in high school. That she is still acting like this at 25 is the reddest of flags.

  15. jesus what a mess. you made the right call. how did she react when you broke up with her?

  16. breaking up was the right choice. she would have kept on coming up with these stupid tests to try to catch you. its a way of insulting you. you would have been a nervous wreck in a very short time and it most likely would have caused you to stop going anywhere but to work and home. you would have shut everyone out but the girlfriend. block her. tell her friend that she should try to encourage your ex to get therapy for her trust issues.

  17. Totally did the right thing. Don’t change it. Relationships is about love, not tests. Is she really loved you she wouldn’t try to test your love for her. I hope the best for your future in the dating world mate. You’ll find the right one eventually

  18. Good job man, don’t take shit like that from ANYONE. Being able to walk away is a powerful thing, remember that in your future relationships.

  19. When you never mature past high school these things happen. I legit was not expecting the ex to be 25.

  20. Hello! I usually don’t post much on Reddit but a good friend of mine was in a similar situation than you years ago. He’s literally the best and loyal kind of guy but that girl tested him. They ended up breaking up and he’s all good for it. So you did good there 🙂

  21. > Susan told me that even though she was not on board with the plan she was the one who brought up the youtube video about testing partners to the group and the rest of the girlfriends decided it would be a good idea to test it on me as my ex was the only one in a relationship (with me) at the time.

    Susan sucks just as much as the others. I don’t buy her “I wasn’t onboard with the plan” given she’s the one who brought the test up in the first place.

  22. Good! They thought it would be a good idea, and now they see what happens when you play stupid games. Now you can find someone who doesn’t toy with you, and maybe they will think a little more about how they treat people.

  23. I’m two minded about tests.

    But ultimately I think they’re a bad idea because the very act of testing someone shows you don’t trust them and that itself erodes the other person’s trust in turn as they had to be tricked.

    Your girl friend was an idiot and she then trivialized her stupidity. At least the friend ‘messed it up’ on purpose, but what she should have done was not gone with it AT ALL.

    You need to meet some smarter people. Good luck.

  24. > said this was something very minor which shouldn’t cause a breakup

    Does she mean the same situation in which she was ready to break up with you?

  25. One of the things I’ve learned is you need to surround yourself with good partner models. If your friends and family are in supporting relationships who trust and respect each other, you will learn to do the same. If you *or your partner* surround yourself with friends who talk down, insult, cheat or otherwise distrust their partner… your relationship is doomed.

    Surround yourself with good people. Your ex did not and has been shown the consequences.

  26. Breaking up was absolutely the right choice to make

    You knew your girlfriend for 6 years

    For 6 years you had presumably given her absolutely no indications that you were cheating on her or being shady

    And instead of believing the 6 years of history she had with you, your ex let her own immature insecurities get the better of her…which predictably blew up in her face and cost her a good relationship.

    I mean, lets just think about how all this started. It was a youtube video. Your girlfriend and or her friends…likely planned on going on social media to brand you a cheating asshole. Her and her friends were probably already planning the TikToks they were going to do about you. (which is why she immediately branded you a cheater before even hearing you out.)

    So if you are looking for a reason that all this happened other than insecurity…look no further than toxic social media addiction.

    If your ex is smart, she will learn from this and whatever relationship she finds in the future will be better for it AND she will hold her toxic friends accountable.

    If she doesn’t learn, then it’s a good thing you are getting the hell away from her

    I know it hurts.

    But you deserve better than this. THAT…is what you keep reminding yourself

    however much you liked or loved this woman…


  27. I love how fast she turned around.

    “Even though my friend messed up our attempt to frame you, I’m still mad at YOU because you have the potential to cheat on me.”

    “Okay, if that’s how you feel I’m breaking up with you because I don’t want to date someone who doesn’t trust me.”

    “WAIT WAIT WAIT, babe, we don’t have to break up, this is such a minor thing!”

  28. You sound apprehensive about breaking it off with her. If she can manipulate that situation. She will manipulate you to come back. And she will test you again.

    Doesn’t sound like that’s a hard boundary for you.

    You can do whatever the fuck you want. But just remember it’s your choice. And what ever happens beyond this point is all on you.

  29. I have never and would never do that to my husband. You made the right choice.

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