So me & my ex were over for over a year but this whole time he never forgets to check on me & lately he professed he wants to get back with me for a long time. He said he realized his mistakes & such. Tho, I am not yet fully ready I’m replying to him coz ofcourse, I still have feelings for him as well. It’s just that I have a few problems in my home country hence the reason why I can’t commit to him again.

So I heard he travelled for vacation & I felt like he did something there. When he came back I made a fake account & messaged him. He’s answering, very game, & so accommodating. It hurts me coz I was like offering s*xual offers & he seems to like & accepts it.
I know I sound so pathetic & crazy but I just can’t seem to understand why.

TLDR; DR: I know we’re not together but should I still give him a chance or was it the closure I need to hear? He reached out & never fails for almost a year now. But at the same time I know what he’s doing while doing so.

  1. he is an ex, he is free to do whatever he wants and talk to whoever he wants however he wants. being an ex you have no claim to him now. what you did is not okay and should be a signal to you that the two of you are not a good match because you behaved in a toxic manor here. he isnt good for you.

  2. While it doesn’t feel great, you two are not in a monogamous relationship at this point in time so he’s done nothing wrong unless he said he’d wait for you.

  3. You said, “Tho, I am not yet fully ready I’m replying to him coz ofcourse, I still have feelings for him as well. It’s just that I have a few problems in my home country hence the reason why I can’t commit to him again”.

    So, you’re not ready to commit. But, he’s not allowed to move on?

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