What is your opinion on guys talking about their mental health?

  1. As long as they’re talking in appropriate contexts and to appropriate people, I’m all for it. Just like how I feel about women talking about their mental health.

  2. Depends on what that means and how it manifests.

    Communicating about mental health issues in a healthy way, working with a mental health professional as needed, and being able to understand themselves are great. Inappropriately treating people in their lives as therapists, blaming others for their issues, and trauma or emotion dumping on people without their consent are not.

  3. The same way I feel about women talking about their mental health.

    My grandpa was actually part of the reason I became comfortable talking about my mental health struggles- he was in world war 2 and struggled (still struggles) with PTSD but in the 50s no one really took it seriously but he continued to advocate for himself and talk about it.

  4. The same way I feel about women talking about their mental health. I just hope that men would talk about their problems more often, since it is really painful to keep all that struggling inside.

  5. They should. I encourage it with my male friends/family. I think everyone should talk about it.

  6. Same as I feel about anyone taking about their mental health. It’s an overall positive thing that shows strength of character and an ability to be vulnerable, and it needs to be done in appropriate contexts.

  7. anyone talking about their mental health is brave imo. too much stigma about it, despite all the talk of being more “aware”

  8. I think that everyone should feel supported when talking about their mental health. I have more bandwidth for someone who’s working out how to seek professional treatment than someone who isn’t concerned with seeking a solution.

  9. Always encourage it, because keeping it inside and pretending it’s not there is no help at all

  10. As long as it’s appropriate, I’m fine with it. I’m a mental health counselor and have a number of male clients (both men and boys – probably half my caseload). I think everyone can benefit from therapy.

    In my personal life, I’ve just had an issue in the past where men will tell me intimate information without any build-up. They overshare and rely on you too quickly and it becomes very uncomfortable. It’s unfortunate but it’s often because they don’t have others to talk about it with or they don’t talk to the people they do have. This is fine if I’m a counselor or a friend, it’s not fine if I’m a coworker they hardly know or a classmate they sit near. Women do this too, but it happens far less with me than when men do it.

  11. It’s fine. As long as he’s comfortable talking to me, but I can’t solve problems for him.

  12. All for it. Everyone deserves to speak up about what could possibly be troubling them, men as well.

    To any guy reading this, don’t hold on to your mental anguishes, if you are suffering there is nothing wrong with getting help professionally or speaking to someone close to you. Which ever way you decide to do it is valid. Stay strong fellas!

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