I (25f) find that my biggggest turn on is knowing I’m getting my partner off so I’m always on the lookout for signs that he is REALLY enjoying himself, not simply ‘typical’ sex is good enjoying himself.

A guy I’m seeing at the moment is super vocal in bed (which I love) but I can really tell he’s enjoying it when he says my name (the way he says it omg) or like when I’m on top and he has that almost ‘I can’t take it’ look and has to look away and stuff. Honestly a show stopper for me haha

For some guys it’s less obvious so I’m curious to hear what you have noticed or guys what you know you do when it’s REALLY good. Just to keep an eye out when I’m with other guys of course haha

  1. My man tells me he loves me so much, gives scalp massages, caresses my body, kisses….. all the gentle stuff. He’s a very hardened, aggressive dude and I love to “break” him down like that

  2. When the reactions breech self control, and become unflattering.

    Crossed eyes, derp face, george of the jungle esque moans, these are things people try to curb out of embarrassment, when they make it through, its cause they’re too overstimulated to keep doing that.

  3. Now I’m wondering if grabbing your hips while you’re on top & the ‘fuck you’re excited, slow down a bit’ is part of this haha. Me thinking im messing it up but maybe it’s him not wanting to cum too fast? Wild haha

  4. I find I have the primal sounds like growls and heavy grumbling breathing when I’m first taking a lover and penetrating her for the first time that session. I’ve learned thats part of that initial instinctual need to fuck which I hear many men usually finish from as it’s pretty intense but I find after that the next position I’m a bit more clear headed and do the whole OH AH pornstar kinda sounds emulating the previously natural primal sounds but after fucking a few hours I’m sometimes worried i may not finish and the aggression dies down vocally as it’s all a distraction and the waves of moans turn almost in to pleas for an end and then once I know that tipping point if crossed an dim about bust I can very happily just fucking fall right back in to that primal aggression and sink my cock as deep as it can go in which ever part of her I’m in at the time and hold her Ridgely as I need he. I tend to be very selfish when I’m close and will move my lover as I need her and her compliance is actually a big turn on as instinct takes me over.

  5. My gf is highly vocal, so I know she’s losing her mind when she stops talking. Her breathing gets real erratic and she just kinda moan-screams through her peak. I know she was REALLY enjoying herself when she gets that 100 yard stare and is completely silent for a few minutes after.

  6. Guy I’m seeing right now has the hottest voice. In bed we have bit of a sub/dom kind of bdsm dynamic and he’s always the quiet calculated one who makes me make the noise. But when he is fucking me from behind and gets close to an orgasm, he starts making these low quiet moans and grunts that get louder like he can’t control it and it’s absolutely maddeningly hot to me. I’m very auditory and hearing him letting go like that gives me an instant braingasm.

    Last time after he finished, he ungagged me, we started cuddling, he stroked my hair and said I did so well and sounded so hot. 😣 I wanted to say yeah it’s because you sounded so hot it almost sent me off the edge on that alone!

  7. During foreplay/sex, he speaks into my ear in a low voice…in japanese. Japanese is our 5th or 6th “satellite” language, learned it from anime. His Bankais are to die for.
    When he grabs my hips hard while I ride him.
    Growling, moaning, and general desperate noises.

  8. When we’re kissing I can tell when things are heating up when he holds the back of my head with his hand and cups my face .. farkk things escalate quickly after that haha

  9. Watch the toes if you can- they’ll curl. The butthole also pulses (if you’re able to see/feel it). These are both giveaways that they’re having a sudden rush of pleasure.

  10. I knew I was doing a fantastic job when my ex would revert to his mother tongue (plus Italian is arguably the sexiest language ever so… worked well for me)

  11. Kind of funny but my boyfriend usually stops for a second and looks at me and tells me “sternly” to stop that or he’s going to come quickly.

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