I am new to dating and hooking up in particular so I am probably overthinking this a lot but basically I went out with this girl from hinge two days ago and I felt like the date went quite well. We bonded pretty well over our shared interest in fitness and we’re on the same page as far as our intentions, neither of us want anything serious. We also got pretty close but did nothing physical as she was on her period and preferred not to. However we did flirt quite a lot and I had my arm around her, touched her thighs briefly. She even said she was enjoying it and doesn’t normally like PDA which is what we were doing, as we were in a bar. The only slightly weird thing was she seemed slightly judgy about me not going to many parties and seemed to catch on to the fact that I didn’t have a lot of experience, although I didn’t let this get to me much at the time- In fact I sort of confidently played it off.

After the date, she texts me asking me how much her share of the bill was and promptly sent it after I told her. I then told her it was a fun evening and she agreed. I followed it up by saying I just wish I didn’t bring my car so we could’ve drank more and then just said ‘but I’d be down for a wilder time next week’. Her response was slightly lukewarm- “True, true”. Now here’s where I need some advice- do I try to keep the conversation going or just not text, wait till Sunday and straight up ask if she’d be down for a hook up next week?

  1. Why the overthinking when you both said you aren’t aiming at anything serious anyway? Just text her after a few days with an idea about your next “date” (?!) and see what happens.

  2. This is just an FWB, right? So just chill out. Text her when you have a date idea. (Don’t reference ANYTHING flirty or sexy, as it implies that you expect to get laid.) Then, just hang out and see where the night goes. Good luck!

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