EDIT: who said “no” to GENUINE wedding proposals. And to those who came from a long term relationship and still said “no”

  1. I’ve said no to two.

    One was literally a stranger.

    The other was a family friend trying to not get deported.

  2. They shouldn’t have asked. I didn’t want to marry them, they had no reason to think that I would, and our relationships weren’t anywhere near the level where asking that would be appropriate.

    In response to your edit: These were genuine proposals from people who actually wanted to get married to me and who incorrectly thought it was an appropriate situation to ask.

  3. Said No due to the reason he manipulated me in turning my back to my relatives when they need help, used me for persomal gain.

  4. He proposed because he thought it would save our deteriorating relationship. I was already on my way to deciding to break up. The thought of being tied to him more permanently was so jarring, it confirmed for me that it was time to split.

  5. I enjoyed dating him but he knew I didn’t want to marry before finishing college. I also saw how he and his father often treated his mother disrespectfully and I wasn’t going to marry a guy like that. So when he showed up with an engagement ring I said “No, thanks”.

  6. It kind of felt like he was doing it as a bandaid for our relationship after he cheated. I told him to hang onto it when the time is right, but it never happened after that, I actually broke up with him, I recognized I could move on from the past but he couldn’t and wasn’t happy with me. It just wasn’t meant to be either way.

  7. I said no due to the fact that he was proposing to save a doomed relationship. His family was worried I was going to leave him (which I was but due to him being controlling and abusive) and were planning on a family vacation where I would be trapped by his proposal to say yes in front of all his family. I was warned about this by his younger sister who didn’t like me. Thankfully Covid hit and ruined the trip. I stayed at my mom’s house for the weekend and when I came back, planning on ending things. As soon as I told him I couldn’t do it anymore, he started crying and begging me to stay. He pulled out the ring from his pocket and proposed.

  8. I said no because I realized I was far from ready for marriage AND I had a gut feeling he wasn’t the right guy.

  9. My mom said no to a boyfriend bc he wanted to live on a farm after college, and she wanted to go to law school. She cared about him, but chose her career (thankfully for me and my brothers).

  10. Because I didn’t want to go back to that relationship dynamic and I knew in my heart that nothing would change. Because the whole reason he was proposing was to try to get me back.

  11. I knew that the proposal was out of fear of losing me or rather losing the things they benefited from. I was a great partner to them (not perfect) but I essentially added a lot of value to the relationship and they wanted to keep that without providing the stability I needed in the relationship.

  12. So I come from an Asian culture where many times parents arrange the proposal. I was matched with this guy who was super qualified from a rich family.

    My family loved him but overall I felt like he would talk to me in a very condescending way and he had a low opinion of my family since we were not as rich as him.

    Overtime, I never gained enough courage to say no to him because of family pressure but through my actions, I made it evident that I wasn’t willing to sabotage my life being with him. I became rude, unimpressed, ignorant towards him. And towards the end, this whole situation messed me up so bad that I ended up cheating. (Not happy about that decision)

    Eventually he noticed how detached I was and decided to call it quits. I was very happy at being rejected. One of the blessed days of my life.

  13. When I wanted ti get married he wasn’t ready. When I told him Im leaving he asked purely out of desperation. This happened twice.

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